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Motivational Techniques to Support Change

This essay focuses on motivational techniques and various ways in which they can be manipulated to achieve higher results in terms of productions. It further proposes plans of communication, campaigns and reaching out to various stake holders (Seligman M. E. P., 1990).

Motivational techniques generally differ from one institution to another. Taking into consideration a sugar industry, the techniques that would be perfectly applicable include; introduction of incentives to the workers, and catering for their general welfare. In addition, company’s goals can be set such that the employees are sufficiently motivated to achieve them within a specific period of time. Further, working conditions such as hygiene and sanitation should be improved. Essentially, employees should also be encouraged to have a powerful self-drive as a way of ensuring that things are done without much supervision (James L., 1998).

These techniques can be implemented through educating employees. For instance, the company should ensure that proper levels of cleanliness are maintained at the work place as well as introducing award schemes for best performers. This can be achieved through availing the necessary funds even if it means raising money from stakeholders. The cost of this might vary depending on the occasion and the general performance of the company. However, campaigns seeking to improve the hygiene should get the first priority so that they are not compromised on. All these should be communicated to the customers, stakeholders and employees at the end of each financial year through mails or posting adverts in the local media. This could serve as an example;

Stakeholders Mails Adverts Public Relation
Customers X
Government X
Farmers X
Employees X

Any document which requires authorization should to be signed by the departmental managers before being sent for approval by the chief executive (Seligman M. E. P., 1990).


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In conclusion, motivational techniques are important in the realization of profits and efficiency. As such, it should be seen as essential part of management. Although it may be costly to implement effective motivational plans, it is a course worth pursuing as it assures profitability and quality of service.



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