Modern technological advancements coupled with good disinterment policies have been pointed out as some of the remedies of negative effects of floods in floodplains and other areas. This research study critically examines modern disaster and emergency management strategies designed to control flooding negative destructions in US. First the study has established that installation of advance flood detectors in the affected regions as response mechanism is needed. Secondly, construction of reservoirs and efficient drainage system should be urgently implemented and redesigning building plans that with stand the adverse effect of flood should be implemented. These remedies are geared towards not only responding to the disaster emergencies but also serve as prevention measure. The problem of flooding is a big challenge to economic development and prosperity. This is because governments spend a lot of resources to repair infrastructure destroyed by flood.
Building of reservoir which has been suggested above is very important in managing drainage system not only during rainy season but also during at all times. Reservoirs can also be used to generate hydroelectricity electricity in the affected region. Towards this, it provides economic stimulus to the region. Similarly, the installation of advance flood detectors in the affected regions as response mechanism is very important in flood disaster management. However, the residents should be well informed on the benefits of early warning. This is because ignorance and assumption that thing may be may be normal can lead to lose of lives. Moreover, redesigning of architectural plans and building codes is an urgent policy which should be adopted to enhance disaster management process. The federal government has tried several emergency disaster management strategies and programs but to no avail. The failure of the strategies implemented by the federal government may attribute to lack of policy coordination with the locals to ensure that an efficient lasting solution is arrived at. Therefore, the success of the above recommendation will depend on the mutual coordination of all stakeholders involved.
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