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Fab.com Target Audience

The primary market of Fab.com consists of a very specific group of people who are most likely to buy from them and who are the easiest to reach. The easiest way to find the target market of Fab.com is to research on the type of people who have purchased products on the website. To help identify and market to the primary target audience, it is important to look at their demographics and psychographics (Proctor & Vu, 2005). Demographics include variables like age, gender, and income. Psychographics include hobbies, lifestyles, clubs or organizations that customers belong to, where they shop, what they read or watch on television, as well as their core values (Proctor & Vu, 2005).


Demographics play a significant role in the types of online activities and products the target audience of Fab.com chooses. This section examines age structure of the target audience, changing household composition, and ethnic population developments.

Children between the ages of 6 and 11 years are Fab.com target audience which indirectly influences what their parents buy. They determine their parents’ choice of clothing and toys at Fab.com. The age group of 12 to 19 years has a tremendous earning power and considerable influence in making personal and household purchases. These target audiences have access to Fab.com through social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. They check new fashions of jewelry, shoes, clothes, and a wide range of products found in Fab.com (Shimp, 2010). The third age group is from 28 to 44. This age group represents potential buyers at Fab.com because a majority of them is working and has an income of at least $30,000. The age group is technology-savvy and they are interested in exploring new fashions (Noh, 2008).

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Another major target audience of Fab.com is between the ages of 35 and 54. This age group includes middle-aged and mature consumers (Shimp, 2010). The age group offers a tremendous potential for Fab.com because they are relatively affluent and thus represent a good general target group for fashion, luxury goods and appliances. The target audience aged from 55 to 65 spends more conservatively but has reached a level of financial comfort where they like to indulge in some luxury (Noh, 2008). For the target audience between the ages of 55 and 65, Fab.com offers new lines of eco-friendly fragrances and beauty aids that are likely to create appeals for principle-motivated target audience who wants to dress up based on their environmental commitment and concerns (Lamb, Hair, & McDaniel, 2008).

Responses of the target audience regarding shopping behavior at Fab.com indicate that the age group of 19-25 reported to have a high frequency of visiting the online store twice per week. The target audience aged 25-35 and 45-65 visited Fab.com three times per month and purchased apparel or accessories at the online store of the preferred brand. Tops, jeans, shoes, and dresses were cited by the target audience between the ages of 25 and 35 years as the items they purchased most frequently at Fab.com.

Age Group (years) Visits Fab.com (%)
6-11 47%
12-19 78%
18-29 40%
30-49 83%
50-64 65%
65+ 32%


On the basis of gender, Fab.com should target both men and women who visit the site equally frequently to buy products and obtain information about product attributes. Men comprise approximately 45% of customers while women represent 55% because they have a wider range of products to purchase from Fab.com. The table below shows the gender demographics of Fab.com target audience.

Gender Visits Fab.com (%)
Men 45%
Women 55%


Household income plays an important role for the target audience. Fab.com targets audience of varied income who will shop for various products. The table below shows approximations of the target audience based on their household income and expected visits.

House hold income ($/yr) Visits Fab.com (%)
Less then $30,000/yr 55%
$30,000-$49,999 69%
$50,000-$74,999 82%
$75,000+ 93%




The target audience of Fab.com can be classified in terms of hobbies, values, and lifestyles. Consumers’ lifestyles are composites of their individual psychological profiles including their needs, motives, perceptions, and attitudes. Lamb, Hair, and McDaniel (2008) noted that personality of the target audience reflects people’s traits, attitudes, and habits. Target audiences who purchase clothes, shoes, and jewelry believe that attire reflects their personalities.

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Psychographic categorization of the target audience of Fab.com includes a number of groups. The first type of audience under this category is E-bivalent Newbies which constitutes 5%.  Fab.com targets the audience new to the internet and less interested in buying online (Dooley, 2006). The second group includes time-sensitive materialists with 17%.  Fab.com targets customers interested in maximum convenience who are not bothered about product reviews or comparisons (Dooley, 2006). The third audience under this category is called Clicks and Mortar who constitute 23%. This is a category of customers who tend to shop online but buy off-line. This audience includes female home builders who have privacy and security concerns (Dooley, 2006).      

Fab.com also targets hooked, online, and single who make up about 16%. Fab.com targets this group of individuals who are more likely to be young, single males with high income. This audience has been in the internet for the longest time and it plays games, downloads software, and uses banking and investing on-line. The fifth type of audience is hunter gatherers (20%). This target audience is the married, aged 30-49 with two children. They will visit Fab.com to compare prices and read analyses and product reviews. The last group is brand loyalists who constitute about 19% of total visitors (Dooley, 2006). Fab.com targets the customers who go directly to the site, are satisfied with shopping at Fab.com, and spend most at the online store.


Fab.com captures the target audience’s profile, usually offered voluntarily by a visitor to the site. Fab.com targets the audience with various user platforms such as Mac, Unix, and Windows, as well as a wide variety of browsers such as Mozilla, Safari, Internet Explorer among others (Dooley, 2006). The online store site accommodates the target audience with various types of hardware such as Smartphone, laptops, desktops, and tablets.

Fab.com appeals to a wide range of customers because the site offers a wide range of product graphics. The display of products at Fab.com appeals to emotional motives of consumers by highlighting good usability, reliability, and dependability. The display of pets, apparels, and fashion designers on the site targets audience with rational motives. The ease of use of Fab.com captures a wide range of users from novice to experts who want to get updated on new fashions daily. 

Because Fab.com offers a wide range of products, design of the whole website delivers a corresponding message to its target customers (Lamb, Hair, & McDaniel, 2008). The design of Fab.com website has been made in such a way that it allows the target audience to customize their shopping cart using the facilities of adding and removing items before committing payments. The product listing page design varies depending on the type of products being displayed.


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