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Bluetooth can be said to be a wireless technology which is used to transfers information or data from one device to another. Apparently, for data or information to be transferred a network is needed. For this reason, Bluetooth uses Personal Local Area Network that enables the device to transfer data or information. Seemingly, for any data to be transferred safely from one device to another a security must be provided. As such, ensure the data being transferred is not tampered with or put at threat. For this reason, a security is provided to ensure the data or information transferred is safe. A point to note is the fact that Bluetooth doesn’t require or need any wire or cable to transmit data. For this reason, Bluetooth is the easy and simple way of transferring information. Unlike, other devices which need cables and wires before any information or data can be relayed from one device to another. Prevalently, the new technology has completely changed the entire world. For instance, users are able to transfer multiple of information or data within a very short time.
Typically, the technology is mostly used in the Smartphone. This has made the user to enjoy the transfer of information. Despite the fact that Bluetooth has gained weight in the contemporary world, the technology is vulnerable to several threats (Scarfone, 2008). For instance, data hijackers have managed to hack imperative information or data when such information is being transferred. This makes Bluetooth technology not to be a safe way of transferring information. Addition, the use of malformed inputs slows down the operation of Bluetooth. Additionally, the malformed input can crash or destroy the entire device. Similarly, the Bluetooth technology is also prone to virus which can affect the device when the Bluetooth is switched on. The paper endeavours to shed light on the Bluetooth vulnerability.
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Virus Infection
Prevalently, we need to keep our devices safe from viruses; any exposure to the virus will lead to malfunction of a device. Generally, ones the Bluetooth is switched on, then the device are exposed to the virus. Furthermore, a data with the virus can also be transferred to another device through Bluetooth. Typically, the virus has a detrimental effect on the device and the user as well. Reportedly, several Smart phones have been affected by virus through the Bluetooth device. Apparently, the virus can slow down the operation of a device, that is, the device will take much longer time than expected in its operation. For instance, the device will take long when it is being switched on. Secondly, the virus is capable of corrupting your films. Such is common in computer device, in which the files in the devices will be mixed up. As such, makes the user to have a hard time while operating the device.
Apparently, the virus also corrupts the programs in the device, this means, there will be a mixture of programs; such will lead to malfunction of the system. Thirdly, the virus can steal the vital information from the devices and send it to another user, that is, the stored information is no longer safe. Fourthly, the virus will slow down the rating of the device (Bose, 2008). Considering the mentioned effects of the virus, the user of a Bluetooth has less or no control to virus exposure. A point to note is the fact that, a virus can even at worse crash the entire device.
Apparently, Bluetooth device is prone to the threat of being hacked. Seemingly, experts in the field of technology have been able to access and hack information to users of the Bluetooth technology. Reportedly, several clients have submitted a complaint that their device has been hacked. Though Bluetooth transfers information or data within a short distance of about 100 meters, hackers have managed to penetrate within the short distance and get away with the information. For instance, when two devices are paired, hacker can also use his/her device to access information from the ether of the paired devices. Despite the fact that quality and security have been provided several victims have managed to get access and get away with valuable data and information. As such has been brought about by inadequate central administration and inadequate security infrastructure. Advisedly, for hacking to reduce, the Bluetooth administrator should ensure adequate security is provided. As such builds the confidence of the Bluetooth users. Additionally, the users must also ensure they are buying a quality device which is not prone to hacking. Unlike a low quality device which can be easily hacked.
Malformed Inputs
Bluetooth is also vulnerable or affected by malformed inputs. Typically, inserting any malformed input to a Bluetooth device may cause several problems to the device. To start with, malformed can slow down the Bluetooth device or lower its rating. For instance, the device will take much longer time in its operation than the normal operating time. Reportedly, several clients have complained that their Bluetooth device is slow or takes longer time to respond. Similarly, malformed inputs have also led to crashing of the entire device or making the device to display unusual behavior (Dunham, 2009). As such, has had a profound effect to the user, some of the devices cost the user a lot of money and in the process of crash, the user will have been affected financially. For this reason, the Bluetooth users are advised not to insert any malformed input into the system.
Advisedly, the user should ensure only the recommended and authorized inputs are used in the system. It has been reported that attackers have used the malformed input to access the information or data from a Bluetooth device. This means the data or information stored in the Bluetooth is not safe, as such, can be hijacked. For this reason, the user must ensure the Bluetooth device is out or reach to both internal and external attackers. Similarly, the user must also ensure the right quality is purchased, since an outside attacker can easily gain unauthorized access to the poor quality Bluetooth device. Typically, the Bluetooth device should be bought from the recommended shops or manufactures, as such limit chances of the device being hacked.
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Blue Jacking
Apparently, the Bluetooth device is also prone to blue jacking. Generally, blue jacking is a situation whereby some individuals or developers create or develop unsolicited messages. The unsolicited messages are then sent to other devices via Bluetooth. Apparently, the owner of a Bluetooth device has no any control to the reception of unsolicited messages. Immediately the Bluetooth device is switched on the unsolicited messages will be displayed. Interesting to note is the fact that the owner of the Bluetooth device is totally not harmful to the Bluetooth device, however, before such messages are sent, the owner of the Bluetooth device should be consulted. For instance, the user should state whether he/she needs the messages. However, blue jacking transmits the information to the owner of the Bluetooth device without his/her consent.
Generally, blue jacking is used by most of the marketing firms to promote and sell its products. The users of the Bluetooth device will receive marketing messages persuading them on the availability of certain products (Yuan, 2005). For instance, developers can create or developed message like ‘Buy Toyota car at Wilson Shop’ the message is then sent to several clients through the Bluetooth device. On the contrary, the Bluetooth may be persuaded by the unsolicited message and he/she may surprisingly by the car. On the other hand, the Bluetooth owner may be pissed off by such unsolicited message since he/she was not consulted before such messages were sent to him. Generally, blue jacking has become a new trend in marketing though its reception is hostile.
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The Bluetooth device can also be affected or vulnerable to Bluesnarfing. Apparently, Bluesnarfing is a situation whereby an outside attacker illegally accesses information or data from a wireless device. The situation mostly occurs when the Bluetooth device is switched on. Prevalently, the Bluesnarfing is a serious crime in most of the countries in the world. Since unauthorized people have been able to access vital and key information from the owner Bluetooth device. Through Bluesnarfing the unauthorized attacker is able to view the emails of the owner of the Bluetooth. As such, exposes the email content of the Bluetooth owner, the attacker is able to go through the emails. This is a serious crime since it is a trespass and violation of the owner’s private information. Secondly, the attackers can also use the Bluesnarfing to go through the text messages of the owner of the Bluetooth device (Faircloth, 2011). For instance, the owner is able to illegally access all text messages received and sent by the owner of the Bluetooth device.
Prevalently, the Bluesnarfing can also be used to copy pictures from the Bluetooth device. This means, when the Bluetooth device is switched on, the owner of the Bluetooth device puts the device in danger. Worse to note is the fact that even private videos can also be copied. For this reason, the owner of the device must ensure that the Bluetooth device is switched off when the device is not in use. Additionally, the Bluetooth user should ensure the Bluetooth device is only switched on in trusted areas, where the device is safe from Bluesnarfing. As such will protect and prevent the access to vital information and data. Today, several securities have been set up to limit the illegal practice. Seemingly, before any information or data is obtained from the owner of the Bluetooth device, the owner of the device must provide permission.
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Blue Bugging
On the other hand, Bluetooth device is also affected by blue bugging. Apparently, blue bugging is a situation whereby, individuals or attackers use the Bluetooth technology to access the feature phones (Chou, 2012). Reportedly, the technology was developed after the invention of blue jacking and Bluesnarfing. Apparently, blue bugging is more detrimental as compared to Bluesnarfing. Seemingly, the unauthorized attacker can use the debugging technology to access the feature of their user's phone. Additionally, the attacker can listen to the phone conversion after hacking the phone. As such, puts the owner of the Bluetooth device in a severe danger, since all the phone conversion can be ensnared. Blue bugging is a very serious crime in almost all the countries. Any individual or hackers face heavy penalty when brought before the court. Typically, blue bugging is a complete trespass to the owner privacy.
Similarly, the hacker can use the Blue bugging technology to manipulate the phone, and direct all calls which were meant for other clients to his/her phone. Seemingly, many individuals have used the technology to swindle the public. The Blue bugging technology is mostly used to manipulate the owners of the Bluetooth devices. Apparently, attackers are able to access vital information through phone conversion. Prevalently, most members of the public have complained for being manipulated by strangers. Cautiously, the users of the Bluetooth device should be keen when using the Bluetooth device. In addition, the users of the Bluetooth device are advised to limit the exposure of the Bluetooth device. That is, the Bluetooth should not be switched on for a longer time. As such exposure puts the life of the user at risk. Furthermore, the users of the Bluetooth are also advised not to switch on the Bluetooth device in a strange environment. Usually, hackers take advantage of the strange and unknown environment.
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Cipher Vulnerability
Since the Bluetooth device uses Local Area Network, the device is prone to Cipher vulnerability. Generally, Cipher vulnerability occurs when attackers use the Cipher technology to hijack information when it is being transmitted or transferred from one device to another. Apparently, when the communication or the transfer of data or information takes place outside the private network or in unsecure network environment, the then data or information can be hacked.
A point to note is the fact that Cipher is more detrimental than blue bugging or Bluesnarfing. In Cipher valuable data can be hacked, which can later be used to obtain other information from the Bluetooth user (Bidgoli, 2006). For instance, a hacker can use the Cipher technology to obtain the password and user’s name from the Bluetooth user. This means, the information can later be used to obtain more information from the Bluetooth user. Advisedly, the Bluetooth users must ensure, the device is only switched on in a trusted environment. Typically, hackers take advantage in areas which are outside private networks, such areas should be avoided. In addition, the Bluetooth user should also avoid unsecured network environment. In addition, the user must also ensure the Bluetooth device is switched off when the device is not in use. The above mentioned precautions will prevent the user from being hacked.
Other Faults
Generally, if the Bluetooth device is left on for a longer time, the battery of the device is definitely affected. Typically, the Bluetooth is capable of affecting the battery. For instance, the battery may fail to function. Similarly, the Bluetooth device can also lower the life span of the battery. That is, the battery of the device will last for a shorter time the expected time. As such, makes the owner to change a battery every time. Such vulnerability is of great cost to the owner of the Bluetooth device (Negus, 2007). Advisedly, the users of the Bluetooth device must ensure, the device is only switched on when the device is operating. Apparently, the Bluetooth device endangers the battery of a phone. For this reason, a majority of clients will prefer to purchase the phones without the Bluetooth technology. As such, enables the mentioned user to spend less money in the purchase of the battery. Typically, the quality of a device is its ability to conserve the battery. Advisedly, the users of Bluetooth device should be vigilant when handling the Bluetooth device.
Bluetooth Protection
The users of Bluetooth device must ensure they device is protected from the above mentioned vulnerability. Generally, Blue bugging, Bluesnarfing, Cipher and blue jacking can all be prevented. The remedy is to ensure the Bluetooth device is not switched on in any untrusted and insecure areas. Additionally, the Bluetooth user should also ensure the Bluetooth device is not switched on for a longer time. As such, exposes the Bluetooth device to blue bugging, Bluesnarfing and Cipher. Additionally, to save the battery of the Bluetooth device then the Bluetooth device should be switched on when the device is not in use, as such, saves the battery from draining, instead it increases the life span of the battery. Secondly, the battery of the Bluetooth device is saved from destruction. Typically, the Bluetooth device is vulnerable when exposed to an environment which is prone to virus infection. For this reason, pairing of the Bluetooth device should only takes place in a safe, trusted and secured environment. Advisedly, the user of Bluetooth device should limit the use of Bluetooth to reduce the exposure to the virus. To prevent the Bluetooth device from being hacked, the user should choose random pin, which will make it intricate for any attacker to manage.
Importance of Bluetooth Device
Despite the fact the Bluetooth device is vulnerable; the device has also changed the life of the user in several ways. Apparently, it allows data or information to be transmitted over a short distance. Typically for information or data to be transmitted, a radius of 100 meters is needed. Generally many users have appreciated the technology since several data can be accessible to the other device. Additionally, data and information are transferred free without any cost involved (Bing, 2001). For this reason, the device has gained weight in the market. Reportedly, the sales of Smart phones have also gone up by a larger percentage, as such, indicates the majority of the public are shifting to phones which possess the Bluetooth device. Seemingly, users of different device desire to enjoy the transfer of information and data free of change. As multiples data or information can be transferred without any cost involved.
Apparently, the device doesn’t need any cable or wire for the transfer of information or data. Bluetooth is a wireless technology in which information and data are transferred to the other device. Unlike, other devices which require cables or wires before any information or data can be sent. Furthermore, Bluetooth device consumes less battery or power, this means the insignificant amount of power or battery is needed for the Bluetooth device to operate. Similarly, the Bluetooth device is simple to use, that is, its operation is not complex, only simple and few instructions are provided for its usage. Similarly, the Bluetooth device is able to transfer data within a shorter time, thereby enabling users to receive data promptly, For instance, the speed of the Bluetooth device is 1 Mbps, and though the speed is recommendable the manufacturers should still improve on the speed. For instance, Infrared is able to transfer data or information at a speed of 4 Mbps. Moreover, the Bluetooth device is not affected by the other wireless network, that is, other wireless networks do not interfere with the operation of the device. As such enables information and data to be transferred from one device to another with no interference from the other wireless networks. For this reason, the Bluetooth device has gained weight in the market.
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Interesting to note is the fact that the world has respond to the change in technology. Typically, the old phones or computers which do not possess the Bluetooth device have faced poor sales in the market. The research has indicated a constant rise in sales of Bluetooth devices. For instance, there is a higher purchase of Smartphone has compared to the other phones which do not possess the Bluetooth device.
In conclusion, the Bluetooth device is prone to several dangers. The Bluetooth device is not usually safe. Apparently, switching the Bluetooth device on for a longer time exposes the device to the virus. Similarly, malformed inputs have an effect on the Bluetooth device. To start with, the malformed device can slow down the operation of the Bluetooth device. Secondly, the malformed input can crash the Bluetooth device. Prevalently, the Bluetooth device is affected by blue jacking, that is, individuals send the unsolicited messages to the Bluetooth uses. Bluesnarfing is whereby the hacker is able to access the information or data from the user of the Bluetooth device. In addition, blue bugging is a technology where hackers are able to manipulate the user of a Bluetooth device, the hacker is able to listen to the user’s conversation. Furthermore, Cipher is also used by attackers to hack the data when the information is being transferred. Advisedly, to prevent the Bluetooth device from attack, the users must ensure the Bluetooth device is switched on when not in use. The users must Bluetooth is only switched on in a trusted environment.
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