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A Difficult Organizational Problem

According to Kenny Scott, the most difficult organizational problem that the HR department has faced over the past five years is the issue of attrition. This is mainly because a number of the employees left the company to greener pastures thus affecting the performance of Lifetime Fitness. In order to solve this problem, the company recognized and acknowledged the contributions the employees were making to the company. This is because it was realized that as a result, employees felt that they were valued and thus remained with the company for long periods of time.

Additionally, due to the fact that employees are molded by the measures taken cultivating and expanding their skills, knowledge, and abilities, the company decided to grant the employees the opportunities to learn and expand their capacities. This resulted in the employees becoming more motivated than before they were given these opportunities.


According to Scott, the goal of the HR department at Lifetime Fitness Indianapolis is to take full advantage of the efficiency of the organization by optimizing the efficacy of its employees. This is done while at the same time humanizing the work life of the employees and take care of the employees as important resources.


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