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The Portrayal of Masculinity used in the movie 8 mile

Masculinity is essential expressed in the movie 8 mile since many of the acts are male apart from few instances when Kim Basinger, who casts as ‘Stephanie’ makes several appearances (Clinton 21). Furthermore, the rap music genre is essentially dominated by males as opposed to other music genres hence this fundamentally serves to put emphasis on the role played by the man in the economically low societies through struggle with hardship. Elementally, ‘8 mile’ is a figurative expression of the timing element in the process of achieving something.

In the movie 8 mile we come across an array of actors who have are primarily assigned roles with an aim of achieving the predetermined objectives of the movie. Marshal Mathers, who appears as the movie’s main cast in the stage name of ‘Jimmy Smith’ poses to reflect the local conditions of the surrounding environment of Detroit in which rap is primarily for the black Americans. He tries to go against all odds by participating in countable rap battles in a bid to be accepted but encounters resistance and despise because of the domineering factors of the blacks in this music genre (Clinton 23).

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B-rabbit goes against traditional masculinity when he decides to abandon his friends and embark on his work objectives. In this traditionally male dominated society such an act is considered as degenerative since man derives strength from fellow men (Clinton 25). In the modern society, the action is acceptable due to the development of a liberal mentality leading to the acceptance of various views devoid of the accompanying sexual traits.

The movie 8-mile depicts women as mere sexual objects as it fundamentally elevates the status of the man (Clinton 25). Homosexuality is seen as a weak mentality in the male domain. Even though it is a despicable act it is seen as form of individual expression in this society (Clinton 26).


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