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Sexual Dysfunction

Sex involves close interaction of the body and mind. A sex act is accomplished in four phases; Desire, excitement, orgasm and resolution. Ejaculation is a process controlled by the central nervous system. It occurs when stimulation on the genital area or any other erotic spot provide impulses that are transmitted to the spinal cord and the brain.

Sexual dysfunctions can occur at any of the four phases. Premature ejaculation is a disorder occurring in men at the orgasm phase when a man climaxes too. An ejaculation is considered premature if it occurs earlier than desired causing distress in the patient, his partner, or both. It is prevalent in males of all age groups. Studies have shown that it affects 30% of men ages 18-29, 32% ages 30-39, 28% AGES 40-49 and 31% of those aged 50-59 (Laumann, 1999).

Studies have shown that the cause of premature ejaculation is insufficient levels of serotonin, a natural substance produced by the nervous system. Treatment therefore has involved beefing up the levels of serotonin in the dire cases. Anxiety is also a contributing factor as is inexperience, long period of abstinence and sickness. The patient should consult a physician if premature ejaculation occurs so frequently that it affects sexual enjoyment.

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It is important for one to talk with his partner about the problem because it affects both parties in the act. Premature ejaculation kills the intimacy between the partners. In such a case, the patient may react by withdrawing from the partner due to shame and embarrassment. Communication is key in solving the problem because it brings understanding of the feelings in each other. The couple affected should consider going for counseling or sex therapy sessions together (Waldinger, 2004).

There are many myths surrounding the topic of premature ejaculation. One such myth purports that premature ejaculation is entirely a psychological problem. This is not true. Studies have shown that a low level of serotonin, a natural substance produced by the nerves is a cause. The other common myth is that alcohol is an effective method for controlling the problem. Although it is true alcohol delay orgasm, it is not effective for treating premature ejaculation.

There are several options for treatment; psychological therapy, behavioral therapy and medical therapy. The choice depends on the advice of the doctor. Psychological therapy addresses feelings and attitude towards sex and relationships. Behavioral therapy incorporates exercises that can help a man to develop tolerance to stimulation thus delaying ejaculation while medications act on the nervous system to reduce sensitivity and therefore delay ejaculation.


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