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In the contemporary world, humans portray different forms and levels of individual personalities. These personalities are exhibited through different mannerisms, which potentially show the manner in which humans carry out themselves in developing their relative lifestyles. Naturally human beings naturally rely upon their intuition to develop certain qualities leading to the formulation of individual character definitions. In essence, the art of doing a good act is nurtured over a long period of time. Hence, humans fundamentally portray different perspectives when it comes to showing dedication, honesty, humility, patience, pride, respect and unity.


Dedication is essentially a habitual element of a person which entails showing continuous interest and progressive support of an activity or entity. What actually leads to the actual manifestation of dedication in human character relies upon the level of personal involvement with a particular activity. In Moreno Francisco’s book ‘Before Fidel: the Cuba I remember’, the author reviews the some of the aspects that led to an individual’s recruitment to the armed forces. In one instance Moreno says, “The military and civic tracks were mutually exclusive and interested students had to choose one or the other, and to qualify as an official in the student corps you had to show dedication and enthusiasm and everything that is supposed to go with military aptitude” (Moreno 61). This serves to show the relative aspects in developing a desired level of dedication, which appears to be fundamentally based upon the portrayal of other individual elements, which include humility and honesty with regard to the achievement of the expected military objectives. Since dedication is based on a timely aspect this therefore entails the infusion of patience as a virtue through proper display of respect as witnessed in the military lifestyle. Dedication is hence a virtue easily achieved as Moreno further puts it, “…and this made me think long and hard, as long as hard as I was able to think about anything” (Moreno 61). On the other side dedication entails the potential achievement of an individual sense of pride of serving one’s country in the war front as seen in Moreno’s case.  

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Honesty is essentially the art of carrying out oneself in a legitimate manner focusing on the respective activity or the vocal aspect of saying the truth. Honesty as a virtue is primarily linked to an aspect of individual sincerity. The fact that it entails sincerity, this calls for the potential development of personal commitment to the fundamentals of truth, which calls for humility and respect of the statutes defining truth in a given context. In a certain incident Moreno further objects, “I felt insulted because I never would have cheated, not out of pride, and I wouldn’t have helped anyone else cheat, I felt strongly that if I was willing to swallow my lumps, others should be able swallow theirs” (Moreno 61). This exposes the fact that an act of honesty never occurs as a single entity but potentially involves other factors with it. The need to keep to one side of the story entails respecting the already established boundaries. In addition, going by Moreno’s confession one notes the need for all parties to be unified in one perspective in order to uplift honesty as an admirable virtue, hence if one goes against the other this would potentially be labeled as an act of contempt, which can be classified as a pride element.


Patience as a virtue involves the ability of an individual to wait for a desired positive outcome without the urgency to achieve this outcome in the short term. This therefore suggests that patience is fundamentally as aspect that involves an individual’s cultivation of a relative level of humility. These two aspects go hand in hand as can be seen in different circumstances. However, patience as a virtue is a rather complex aspect given the relative need of one to have a desired goal among other pertinent targets. It therefore appears like it potentially affects the fundamentals of ambition (Lambert & Helen 29). Consider an individual having a desire to achieve a certain objective within a prescribed timeline. In such a case, patience as a virtue lacks credence to the hindrance it poses to the potential achievement of the mentioned objective. In addition, another aspect of patience entails an individual’s perfection of the ability to withstand pride especially for overtly successful individuals. The achievement of positive pride would therefore entail reaching one’s goal successfully without significant interference from discouraging factors. Patience also involves a unified aspect with the objectives by matching the current competencies, capabilities and respective levels of involvement in the actual task (Lambert & Helen 35). This unified or unity aspect relies upon one’s humility to the same objective, which would ordinarily depend upon one’s credentials. Patience is hence a virtue, which is difficult to cultivate given the potential interference factor.


Humility is essentially a personal virtue which is fundamentally expressed at personal level and entails an evaluation done of the inner self. This usually involves the inclusion of service component and the expected appreciation for an individual’s efforts. This is one of the most difficult virtues to attain both at personal and individual level given the aspect of dedication that goes with it. Another aspect that accompanies humility includes honesty as seen in the efforts portrayed by the individual towards the respective activity, a factor which further strengthens the element of service. Ordinarily one would expect immediate appreciation for what they have done for other from a personal point of view. However, many are the times when this does not happen leading to individuals developing the mentality that the society’s ‘eyes’ are being unfair. This brings in the aspect of patience, and it forms a very critical component towards the enhancement of individual levels seen in terms of humility after discreet assessment. As Dillon puts it, “Now it might seem that the value an individual places on himself is the true measure of his worth but in fact, ‘let a man, as most men do, rate themselves at the highest value they can, yet their true value is more than it is esteemed by others” (Dillon 9). The inclusion of self worth into the subject of humility further serves introduces an element of complexity with regard to self-evaluation.

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According to David Hume in his book ‘A Treatise of Human Nature’ he raises some level of doubt on the association of humility with other aspects when he objects, “That there is a mixture of pride in contempt, and of humility in respect, is I think, too evident, from their very feeling or appearance, to require ant proof. That this mixture arises from a tacit comparison of the person contemned or respected with ourselves is no less evident” (Hume 279). This exposes humility to the debate regarding its relative sustainability based on the occurring variables of respect, pride and contempt. Of course, humility would naturally lead to the enhancement of personal respect focusing on society fundamentals.


Pride can be described as a person’s potential and unhidden expression of a sensational appreciation or satisfaction with a certain aspect of someone’s life and which is potentially manifested through the successive association to that particular element in one’s life. Pride is Pride is essentially expressed as aspect expressed more at individual level than group level. This is because even at group level the expression of pride needs to establish a starting point from an individual’s perspective. This formal focus on individuality makes it a complex affair since there are different personal traits that exhibit one’s pride. According to Ford Martin, “Individuality goals represent a desire to maintain or enhance one’s identity as a separate person by developing or expressing beliefs, values, self-concepts, behavior patterns, or stylistic characteristics that are uniquely personal or different from those of other relevant people” (Ford 92). This therefore proves that pride potentially emanates from various focal points. In addition, pride usually portrays more of element of negativity as opposed to positivity which further serves to complicate the individual association with a pride. This is because certain aspects may sound positive to a group while to another group they portray a negative element. According to Dillon Robin in his book ‘Dignity, character, and Respect’ he quotes, “The term pride…is commonly taken in a bad sense; but this sentiment seems indifferent, and may be either good or bad, according as it is well or ill founded, and according to the other circumstances that accompany it” (Dillon 11). The art of portraying pride with more of a positive side would therefore entail assessment of the relative levels of individual’s dedication to a trait, expression of humility, all of which lead to a definitive approach towards the achievement of respect.

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Respect entails the potential achievement of a positive identification or jubilation, which is mainly associated with an individual’s character. For instance, one my gain respect either from his or her inherent personal virtues or the manner in which he or she carries out himself. On the other hand respect forms the formal expression of all other characteristics given it relative level of dynamism and application. The art of assessing the relative levels of respect demands an understanding of the respective individual actions and the judgments that accompany them. Achieving respect is not an easy aspect given the different judgments to which individual actions are subjected to. This basically emanates from the different perceptions portrayed by each one of us. These perceptions could either be based on moral, political, or social backgrounds, which potentially impacts upon individual interpretations of one’s actions. According to Margulis, “Gaining respect has nothing to do with the mode of running the show. A chief can be stern, authoritarian, hard-nosed or friendly, easily accessible or warm, insipid, subdued, or colorless” (Margulis 45).

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The process of developing respect involves input of other significant traits leading to its ultimate formulation. For instance, Margulis further interjects that, “It is the attributes of personal honesty, dedication to justice, fairness, and consistency in treatment of all subordinates according to accomplishments and achievements that bring respect” (Margulis 45). This shows that honesty as a virtue on its own leads to the ultimate attainment of respect at individual level. The ‘consistency in treatment of all subordinates…’ shows an element of humility. Dillion narrates of the relative association with an individual developing desired level of respect from his peers. In regard to this he says, “Still, he is concerned not just with how he appears in his own eyes, but how he appears in theirs. He thus takes the position that, in virtue of his virtues, he is the sort of person whom others who are worthy of honor rightly regard as also worth of honor, and that is it important to remain and to represent the unmistakable appearance of being that sort of person” (Dillion 9).

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Unity relies upon the fostering togetherness or promoting an integrated approach towards the achievement of a certain goal or entity or difficult task. This therefore implies that unity basically involves an element of cooperation with an aim of strengthening people’s relative associations. Unity is therefore different from other aspects in that it viewed more from a community perspective as opposed from the individual perspective. According to Ford Martin, “Unity goals represent a desire to maintain an overall sense of coherence and psychological integration or to experience a profoundly meaningful sense of connectedness, harmony, or oneness with…one’s physical or social surroundings” (Ford 91).

The act of achieving unity would naturally demand respect for each other’s ideas or approaches, humility in terms of learning to appreciate other people’s efforts, honesty to the desired deliberations acting a guide to joint goals and objectives and every single person’s dedication to achieve the unified goals. Achieving all these factors in a single instance is not an easy task given the potential differences that exist in the current setting and those that are bound to arise as everyone goes on with their pursuits. Unity is essentially as aspect which aims at bringing together all other entities focusing on achieving the group objectives.


The fact that the achievement of the discussed objectives primarily relies upon human beings’ respective intuitive nature leads to discovery that these elements are not essentially inherent in nature. They are in essence nurtured through interaction of the different elements leading to the final result which will elementally determine an individual’s character definitions. this also confirms the fact that humans fundamentally portray different perspectives when it comes to showing dedication, honesty, humility, patience, pride, respect and unity all of which are interrelated components manifested by human nature.


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