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People Power: Important People in Our Lives

The development, successes or failures of individuals are significantly influenced by other people in their lives. People have the power to build a person’s dreams, character and outlook on life. Therefore, people have the power to influence and motivate an individual to realize and actualize him/herself. People have the ability to exercise their power through actions, incentives, or as role models and mentors. Most successful individuals attribute their success to direct or indirect influences of significant people in their lives; these may include family, friends, leaders, role models or mentors. These are the people whose actions or inactions play a critical role in the development and growth of others.

Family characterizes the basic foundation of individual growth. The family has the power to influence an individual positively or negatively. As a result, most people attribute their success to family members who are either motivators or sponsors in the realization of an individual’s dreams. Family members have an impact on the decisions we make; as a result, their actions towards us reflected in our own actions.

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Meanwhile, friends have considerable power especially in influencing behavior and significant decisions, which determine the course of our lives. For instance, if an individual’s friends are engaged in criminal activities such as drug abuse and peddling, these activities are prone to impact our behavior and might result in succumbing to pressure to emulate friends. The same case applies when friends engage in constructive and self-developing activities. Therefore, the choice of friends is critical in molding an individual’s character and future direction and prospects in their lives.

While family and friends have the power to influence an individual’s character and outlook on life, role models and mentors impact individuals on the very basis, on which a person aspires to realize their dreams and potential in life. Mentors and role models motivate people to improve themselves in their personal and professional lives. Role models and mentors are the basis in which an individual pegs and measures their actions or inactions. They act as a benchmark according to which people measure themselves; therefore, exercising significant power in individual decision making and actions.

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In light of the mentioned above, it is evident that people power is crucial in a person’s life. Important people such as family member, friends, mentors and role models influence individuals’ outlooks on life and worldview, character, and attitude to the surrounding world.


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