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Are Gender-Based Behaviors Socially Constructed or Biologically Dictated?

Gender-based behavior involves characters that emerge in individuals based on their gender. Some individuals tend to think that their gender entitles them to certain behavioral characteristics. As such, they take up kinds of conduct that influence either negatively or positively the opposite sex. Some of these gender-based behaviors include violence (Kornblum, 2011).

One may ask what the source of these gender-based behaviors is. In my point of view, gender-based characters originate from social constructions. The way people view males differs from how they view females in terms of responsibilities and societal ranking. At birth, there exists minimal distinction between the opposite sexes, except for biological factors. Nevertheless, as time goes by, the societal trends tend to inflict certain views on the minds of youths that eventually leads to different perceptions on gender-based behaviors.

To some extent, biological differences contribute to the gender-based behavioral distinctions. Since time immemorial, the representatives of the opposite sexes had different duties and responsibilities in matters of society building and so on. These views have been passed to the present times. However, although several changes occurred in the way people view behavior of different genders, the ever-evolving society still possesses certain stands on gender-based behavior.


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To conclude, gender-based behavior mainly occurs to be socially constructed. Furthermore, basing my argument on the two genders, cultural-historical factors contributed immensely to this issue. However, to some extent, biological factors still have certain influence on the gender-based behaviors. Matters such as gender-based violence tend to affect the female gender more than the male. In addition to that, the male counterparts perpetrate this act. Thus, this kind of gender-based behavior is sourced from both biological and social factors. It is biologically dictated since men occur more masculine and stronger than women. Secondly, gender-based behavior is socially stipulated since from past times, the man always ruled over the woman. Thus, the woman submits whenever such an act takes place (Slattery, 2003).

Hence, it occurs fundamental to note that gender-based behaviors come from both social and biological sources. However, they are more affected by social constructions than biological dictations.



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