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Life’s Doors

The events that accompany today’s human life trends play a significant role in determining each person’s individual path. Ordinarily, humans believe that each human being has his or her destiny predetermined and that the accompanying experiences serve to prove this fact. Philosophers have developed numerous theories in their bid to prove this fact; scientists have designed several human experiments to establish critical connection points; while psychologists have performed numerous psychoanalyses leading to several answers. My story begun after I was laid off from employment leading to numerous experiences that turned my life around. In as much as humans continue displaying disputing personal perspectives, tendencies, and beliefs, it is important to note that each individual experiences primarily leads to the opening of significant life’s doors.

First, life’s doors primarily begin to open at the point in time when we accept that drastic changes have taken place in our lives. In my case, despite the fact that our country was experiencing significant effects resulting from the changing economic times, which were occasioned by the dark changing global economic aspects, I never imagined these events would eventually lead to my eviction from my job. I just got up one morning to news that some employees of our company will be laid off. I knew my performance record was good; hence, I relaxed my mind. However, getting the sudden news made my think of other ways of improving my qualifications. This led to my decision to enroll for college studies. This decision was fostered by my acceptance of the circumstances that had led to my being laid off; hence, I easily incorporated the changes into my life. Therefore, we should always strive to come into terms with reality, if we are to make significant progress.

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Secondly, one’s life doors open when one puts in genuine effort in whatever they are doing. After being laid off from formal employment, accepting the events, and enrolling for further studies in a college institution, I had no choice but to put in significant effort in my studies. Initially, I never foresaw myself landing in a learning institution after my years of service under formal employment. I always believed that experience counts more with regard to performance. By changing my perception regarding the importance of performance in theoretical studies, I was able to open more doors in my life. For instance, this enabled me to put into application practical aspects in my former place of work in understanding the theoretical elements in class. This essentially reflected my developed of a genuinely positive element towards work. In essence, it is important that we all strive to apply genuine effort whenever we engage in any activity if we are to open more doors in our lives.

Thirdly, our appreciation that life has its ups and downs enables us to develop positive attitudes, which leads to the opening of life’s doors. Ordinarily, we are more acquainted to happiness, joy, and fun, yet during these circumstances we usually fail to recognize that the probability of the exact opposite happening is similar. This primarily results from our lack of preparation to take in the reality aspect that life also has its share of sorrow, sadness, and suffering. Personally, I also knew that nothing would ever happen to my career, such as losing my job. Once, it happened I immediately came to the realization that life is never a straight path. This realization led to me developing a more mature concept of appreciation regarding the probability of negative events happening to someone. In essence, through appreciation I was able to turn it into something beneficial like education. Therefore, by appreciating the negativity accompanying my being laid off, I managed to develop myself through education, an act which made me even more qualified for future job opportunities.

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Fourthly, removing the concept of monetary value on almost all forms of activities we involve ourselves leads to the opening of life’s doors. For example, before I was laid off from formal employment, I had a strong attachment to the monetary gains accrued from my involvement in work to the point that I would never consider something like education as being beneficial. However, after losing the job I came into terms with the fact that everything with monetary value eventually comes to an end. This prompted me to immediately enroll since I knew that I had to put my previously valuable time into use. I discovered that education in itself is a valuable investment. In essence, I came to appreciate that in as much as it may appear that time spent educating oneself may not be easily equated to monetary gain for the participating individual, the concepts accompanying the activity are ultimately beneficial in the long run.

In as much as humans continue displaying disputing personal perspectives, tendencies, and beliefs, it is important to note that each individual experiences primarily leads to the opening of significant life’s doors. This only begins when we gradually develop a form of acceptance that drastic changes are bound to occur during the course of our lives. In doing this, it is critical that each individual strives to inculcate genuine effort reflecting positive mentality. This will eventually lead to our appreciation and ultimately the nurturing of positive attitudes towards other non monetary associated life activities like education. Finally, we need to realize that life’s doors will always come knocking during critical times as mine came knocking after my being laid off leading to the opening of my ‘college’ door.


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