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Korea Intercultural Communication Report

Intercultural way of communicating applies globally to the exchange of information between different cultures. This communication describes and identifies challenges that arise from communication, which exists within an institution that entails individuals from different backgrounds. These backgrounds range from education, religion, ethnic and social, and each has different cultures and the way they communicate. The communication that has an effect on the Korean’s culture is non-verbal.

According to Koreans, greetings are significant, and it depends on hierarchy, in which people of low status bow down when saluting, showing the respect for the elder ones. In communication Koreans do not maintain a direct eye contact when contrasted to Americans. Their posture characteristically includes leaning forward with a slight bow, while the Americans maintain the upright and straight posture. The Koreans do not express themselves with enthusiasm when contrasted to their Americans counterparts who are talkative and jovial. Koreans originate from a culture that aims at creating understanding and showing respect for people from different backgrounds. The Koreans are calm and they do not reveal more information concerning their background; they found it hard to ask questions or even accept easily views from other people. They do not engage deeply in discussions to reach final agreement; instead they postpone without getting to the bottom line of the topic. In business negotiations Koreans prefer patient and respectful clients and this enhances more rapport in reaching successful agreements. Koreans consider keeping time as an important aspect in their culture, especially if it applies in a situation like a business meeting. When it comes to change, the Korean elders perceive it to be negative; this is because they never want to abandon their culture. Korea is moving to a democratic level with more interest in finance; this is a factor that has contributed to initiation of change in their country. Economically wise, Korea is improving because of change, and this has facilitated its citizens to work harder to sustain them in life.

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Change has resulted to different perceptions in relation between the Koreans and people from different cultures. The Koreans are adopting the Western cultures; this step has resulted in forgetting about their own identity. Regarding the past of the Korean’s culture, men were in head of families and did all the main work, but now more women get education and jobs after graduation. Based on gender, women in Korea had less power than man, but today, there is equality between the genders in this country. In Korea there are even cases when it comes to suing, because women have more power than men. The Korean culture incorporates values such as showing respect for the elder people and Koreans believe in generosity and money.

In conclusion, Koreans appreciate their families which are considered to be the most valuable parts of their culture and life. Based on their tradition, the father heads the family. His responsibilities include providing basic family requirements such as food, shelter and clothes. High value goes to father because he approves the marriages that involve the family members, because family matters are vital before anything else. It is maintained through mentorship that ties members of the family together. Korea has three main religions including Catholicism, Christianity and Buddhism. Korean’s culture and the way of communication have contributed a lot to the welfare of their country. The Korean culture has led to creative minds and improvement of the labor system which changed from hard labor to white-collar jobs.


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