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Hong Kong Chinese Festivals

This paper seeks to study in depth Hong Kong Chinese festivals. It seeks to cover the ideologies, social and material frameworks of the Chinese Festivals. This paper will also discuss and explain the three levels, in which the Chinese festivals are manifested and integrated.

Chinese festivals in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a rich cultural and traditions country, where many different Chinese ceremonies are celebrated. These observances are celebrated in a vibrant and exciting way, which makes Hong Kong a very fun place to be during these festive seasons. It is important to note that all the Chinese festivals have to do with the Chinese traditions. The Chinese follow their own calendar and observe the dates and events, listed in the calendar in relation to the equivalent months that the traditions are celebrated.

These are the best times to plan a holiday to Hong Kong in order to experience the rich culture and fun of the Chinese people. Some of the festivals, observed by the Chinese people, include the Chinese New Year. The Chinese New year is highly looked forward to by the Chinese people. This is because the New Year marks the beginning of new hope for the Chinese people. The New Year also symbolizes the beginning of a new season (Watson, 2004). During the New Year festivals, the food is usually in abundance. The young people and unmarried Chinese people receive different tokens during this time. The New Year is characterized by the color red and, thus, the theme color during this festival is the color red. The Chinese New Year is celebrated for 3 days and the public holidays fall on the 1st to the 3rd of that specific month. All the Chinese festivals are associated with the Chinese Mythology and the folk tales in Chinese.

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However, the celebrations entail a more realistic version of the Chinese culture as compared to the flak tales and the rituals. The Quigming festival is a Chinese festival that entails or symbolizes the pure brightness and is, therefore, known as pure brightness festival or the clear bright festival. This festival falls on the first day of the 5th solar term. The name of this festival is derived from the traditional times, when the Chinese people enjoy greenery of the spring time seasons. Traditionally, the Chinese people used to bring whole roosters, when visiting graves in this season. Another important festival that is celebrated by the Chinese people is the Duanwu festival. This festival is celebrated in accordance to the lunar calendar. This festival symbolizes the beginning of summer. The Chinese consider the moon the strongest at the time of the summer solstice. According to the traditions of the Chinese, the sun and the dragon represent masculine energy and feminine energy. The Chinese regard summer solstice as the peak of the male season, while winter solstices considered as the peak of the female season, which emits the male and female energy. The other festival that is celebrated by the Chinese people is the Mid Autumn festival. (Cheng, 1997) This festival is held on the fifth day of the eight month of the lunar calendar. This is one of the most important holidays in the Chinese calendars. It entails eating of moon cakes during the festivals, matchmakings, where the dances are held in order to aid men and women to find their mates from the dancing crowds. The Chinese also carry light lanterns, burn incense, attending fire dragon dances amongst many other activities. These are a very fun and exciting holidays that brings together many Chinese people from different regions of China. It is important to note that each region in Honk Kong has its own traditional Chinese festivals; however, some of the festivals are celebrated country wide and, thus, are public holidays. These festivals are recognized all around the globe; many people visit Hong Kong at the festive seasons in order to watch or join in the fun and festive mood of the Chinese. (Law and Ward, 1982) 

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Ideologies of Hong Kong Chinese Festivals

The Chinese nationality is rich in cultural, political and historical theories, believes and movements, which entail the many ideas of the Chinese people. This is because the Chinese people have managed to maintain the culture from believes and ideologies. These ideologies have helped to shape the Chinese festivals and keep them alive and fun every single year. Most of the ideologies, used in the Chinese festivals, are ideologies, which originate from animals, flowers, birds, trees, and the national anthem amongst many other ideologies. Animals symbolize the giant panda, which is recognized by the Chinese people as a very important Chinese national treasure. The panda is not only honored, but it is also respected because of what it symbolizes. The giant panda can be found in China and is among the few species of wild life that are found in China and Hong Kong at large. The other ideology that is commonly used in Hong Kong is flowers. There is no particular flower in China, but peony tree is the most common tree. Birds are also used by the Chinese people to maintain their culture and ideologies.

The most common birds are referred to as a national treasure and are preserved for the same reason of preserving the culture and ideologies of the Chinese people. A tree is also a symbol that is used by the Chinese people to celebrate their festivals and maintain their rich culture. The Ginko tree is one of the oldest trees in China and is one of the treasured symbols in Hong Kong. The Chinese National anthem is maintained and preserves the culture and ideologies of the Chinese people. The Chinese National anthem entails the lyrics that were narrated and sung by the poet Tian Han. This poem honors those Chinese people that fought against invaders in the North eastern China in the older days, dating to the 1930’s (Smith, 2005).  The poem or the song was officially adopted by the Chinese Government in the year 1992. The National days of Chinese people are also used as a medium to preserve and maintain the culture and ideologies of the Chinese people. The national days are celebrated by the entire Chinese people to honor the country, culture and ideologies of the Chinese people. Other many holidays are celebrated by the Chinese people. All the national days symbolize a specific or certain tradition, culture and believe of the Chinese people. This has helped to largely preserve, maintain and keep alive the culture, believes and ideologies of the Chinese people. The Chinese are famous all over the globe because of their rich cultural believes, this has helped to bring in more revenue from tourists and other avenues. The Chinese believes, culture and ideologies continue to grow strong; believes and cultures continue to be celebrated each year in order to remind the Chinese people of where they came from and who they are. These ideologies are also used to teach the young generation and young children on the rich culture of the Chinese people. The Chinese culture entails ancient Chinese architecture, Chinese arts and crafts, and traditional Chinese arts, the virtues that are traditionally held by the Chinese people, the ancient Chinese literature, the old Chinese relics and Chinese ideologists.


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