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Gay Marriages Problem

A social problem refers to a condition that is viewed or perceived as undesirable by many people in a given community. It is one that does not lead to the sustenance of a community and is generally considered as detrimental to the general welfare of the society. However, it is worth noting. The way, people perceive a certain act as being a social problem may differ in a given society. This is because some people may credit it, basing on social grounds, and being an ethically correct to this act, while others may deem the act as harm to the society. Everyone can definitely agree that some acts are social problems, such as murders, and many suicide missions. Teenagers, on the other hand, may consider loud music as a form of entertainment and would even practice it in the public, if given a chance. However, some elderly people may consider that as a social problem. The same applies to nonsmokers who consider public smoking as an undesirable social problem while the addicts look at it as an act that quenches their thirst.

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A social issue, on the other hand, refers to acts that are common in every person’s life and relate to them. These are things that people identify with and always bring about controversies. They affect almost all nations and they are always under debate. They affect peoples’ interactions and how relationships are carried out.

Gay marriage is a social issue as it is always talked about in the society and has elicited controversy in the society. It has been talked about by many people in the society and it still brings about controversy at all levels of the world and the nation (Douglas 20).

Social conflict theory will be the most suited to tackle this case. This is because the social fronts influence how society looks at gay marriages. It is an issue that has had massive debates in the world and US in particulars. It will simplify the understanding of the impacts of the gay marriages as it mainly touches on the social interactions that people have. It also gives consideration to the family and the community, at large (Douglas 30).

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Causes of gay marriages include family set up and socialization circles or fronts. The family set up comes in when one is born in a family that he or she is the only one of that given sex. For example, a boy being born in a family that has only girls. Social circles influence the relations one has with the people he or she interacts with (Douglas 53).

The consequences of gay marriages include segregation among other peers or members of the society. People may look down upon a person and may never give him or her credit they deserve. It is also considered an act against religion and, therefore, it may elicit hostile treatments from other members of the society towards a person (Taylor).

Gay marriages can only be handled amicably with legislation. The law of the land should not allow same sex marriages as they defy the calls from religious fronts and also the normal cultures that even our forefathers called for. Mass education will also work out to wither this act out. This calls for resources allocation towards a massive mass education to enlighten people on the benefits of being straight and embracing different sex marriages. This will make people shun away from gay marriages (Caramagno).

Looking at gay marriages from a sociological point of view, it has affected the way people interact and perceive each other. I took this initiative since this issue has raised many eyebrows in the US and the world in general.


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