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Cell Phone and Driving

Introduction of legislations controlling the usage of cell phones and other handheld electronic devices while driving has seen several people imprisoned and fined. These legislations have not only captured adults but also dozen of young drivers. Since the introduction of house bill H1817, these laws have been extremely effective. This paper will discuss on the laws pertaining the use of cell phones while driving.

In some States, these laws share some features. For instance, in Massachusetts and Connecticut, the laws allow drivers to use their phones but under some conditions. For example, a driver must be an adult and when using the phone it should have some hand-free accessories like loudspeaker. Moreover, drivers are free to use wired telephones while driving. Nonetheless, it is illegal for young drivers to use any handheld electronic while driving as all drivers are restricted from using wireless telephone through calling or texting. This is because these devices are distracters. The law also prohibits drivers from using their phones while driving and next to populated areas like schools and churches (Horrey, & Wickens, 2006).

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The state government has employed some mechanisms to implement these laws. These mechanisms range from roving patrols, stationary patrol and spotters located all over elevated highways. The stationary patrol will be done at least four times in every two years.

The state police shall arrest and prosecute the offenders. The punishments may include fines, imprisonment or suspension of driving licenses depending on the intensity of crime. The court charges first time offenders from $100-$500 (Horrey, & Wickens, 2006). One year license ban may accompany these fines. The court will also charge serious habitual and offenders more than that, imprison them for 2-4 years and suspend their license for up to 15 years.

To sum up, both young and adult drivers through irrational usage phones while driving meet the wrath of the law. Besides, each time they risk their lives and public safety. It is important to respect the laws to avoid legal conflicts.


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