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A Sign of Threats

Some primates could also climb on trees either for pleasure or just to hide from the presence of our eagerness to observe them. Nevertheless, not all animals in their group were able to climb trees but only a few. Some primates could yawn exposing their teeth. Yawning may be associated with a sign of threats. Upon seeing the threats or predators, the primates could run for their safety due to the fear of loss of their infants (Haraway, 81). Some run to their fellow groups in order to avoid being harmed alone. Members of the group of primates of the same sex were also observed to walk together. Haraway states that most primates stay within their group in which they were born until they become sexually mature (Fedigan, 234). Thus, young primates were staying with their mothers and tended to move together specifically for protection against aggression by other animals.

The primates also contained some afflictive behaviors. For instance, in case the animals were involved in a conflict or a struggle towards a common thing, we observe that they could come together, hug and kiss as well as a groom to show their feelings hence reconcile. Female primates could also hold their young ones so dearly in order to protect them from any form of harm either from the environment or from their fellows. For example, they could carry them while moving from one place to another. Moreover, they could ensure that they have fed their youngsters before they could eat themselves. Thus, they were able to provide what could be termed as parental care. In addition, they tended to spend significant amount of time tending their young ones. It was common to find male and female primates mating (Alan, 56). Normally, female’s reproductive cycle determines when mating will take place. Thus, only a few males and females were involved in mating at a particular time. However, some primates, such as chimpanzees, could mate with their female counterparts even when they were not in their estrus.

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Notably, some primates such as baboons were also seen making teams in order to accomplish a certain goal. They seemed to be using their cognition in response to the prevailing conditions and taking the right actions collectively. This indicates high level of intelligence and unity (Haraway, 131). These animals were viewed to have standardized intelligence that could enable them to think and make the right measures such as adopting the best behavior depending on the context.

The most conspicuous behaviors were running, climbing, jumping as well as walking. The primates also have different foraging behaviors that make them distinct. Some feed on fresh fruits, vegetation and grass among others. This behavior could be seen depending on the type of animal. Group organization also differs. Some primates were less organized while acting alone and took various challenges together. For example, monkeys walked in groups and could take any challenges as a group. However, some primates could walk alone in the forage for food.

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In conclusion, primates exhibit different behaviors depending on the context and characteristics. Some behave in response to their environment. However, some behaviors are as a result of their natural appearance. As I observed different types of primates behave differently at San Francisco Zoo, I was perplexed by their intelligence and ability to act in unison. In deed, some primates could behave just like human beings.


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