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Social Science

This essay critically discusses five pieces of publicly available published materials in summary. Technically, these published materials in discussion are articles from the social science journals. This essay provides scrutiny of information on the existing scholarly considerations concerned with aspects of human relationships in the world. A brief overview of this essay includes; a straightforward summary of each of the five documents, a critique of previous research on your topic and a framework for the summaries. The framework will briefly discuss the five documents collectively, while relating to the most vital or thought-provoking information obtained from the five sources.

Social science is the study of human behavior and how people adapt to various environments, according to the circumstances and issues that arise around them. This literature review focuses on the issues that affect human life either positively, negatively or both with regards to the people involved, what has been done, and how far the issue has impinged on the societal values. Without proper interventions, to address these life-hacking issues that come up at every juncture of people’s lives, progress in every endeavor will be at the snail-pace.

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Intercultural and Intergroup Communication

The author exemplifies the need to examine communication in terms of groups and cultures. The ways in which people of the same culture communicate are different from the manner in which people of different cultures would do the same. Various cultures and social groups differ in a wide range of habits; however, communication takes precedence. This author talks about the multilingual and cross-cultural attributes that either promote or bar perfect flow of communication. Individuals and communities are grouped as “Caucasian” or “Middle Eastern” etc. that masks a series of rival social units. According to Giles & Watson (2008), there are diverse Modes of Communication in different social groups e.g. African, Asian, Hispanic, Muslim, Western and many others. Historically, research on Intercultural communication (ICC) has been done for half a century and beyond, as shown in a synopsis provided by Leeds-Hurwitz (1990). The authors also give examples of the common factors projected within ICC, as noted by Brabant et al. (2007) from an intergroup perspective. These factors are different from those held in the Intergroup Communication (IGC) theories. The article bases its arguments with the help of the media and written histories. Consequently, whether an outstanding characteristic is formulated for each or both of isolated group identities, this will create a new look to the communication process, as well as their ordinariness.

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Confronting the Unexpected: Temporal, Situational, and Attributive Dimensions of Distressing Symptom Experience for Breast Cancer Survivors

This journal takes on a global study on breast cancer patients (women) who survived the epidemic, but still experience the side effects. Even though improved treatments have toned down the survival rates, it specifically points out that cancer survivors need to be examined for the chronic and late effects. This study used secondary qualitative analysis to scrutinize the original data set and answer a unique, range of questions. Some women experienced memory loss, anger and disappointment, due to the loss of energy and ongoing pain. The study might have sprung up these symptoms, as they emotionally talked about them. A woman explained her frustration with lymphedema. She felt misunderstood when accused of feigning their symptom experiences. Consequently, her boss made her get a doctor’s note, which frustrated her even more. A group of qualitative researchers worked alongside the author during the study to scrutinize the data, to evaluate codes, test interpretations and inductively built up themes.

COPE Intervention for Family Caregivers to Improve Symptoms of Hospice Homecare Patients

This journal concerns a study obtained from the hospice caregivers for cancer patients, who had a rough time managing the symptoms experienced by their cancer patients. Family caregivers are a key communication linkage between the hospital staff and patients, particularly as the patients become more incapacitated (Weitzner, Moody, & McMillan, 1997). The setting was a large nonprofit hospice that mainly offers the home-based care. The sample was selected using the focus group sampling strategy. The study focused mainly on the management of pain, dyspnea and constipation. Therefore, patients were excepted if they did not show two of the symptoms as acknowledged by the baseline data collection. Symptoms e.g. energy deficiency, dry mouth, loss of breath, pain and feeling overstuffed and wakefulness had to come to being during their participation. The experts educated the families on what nonprofessionals have to be acquainted with concerning the disease, when to obtain the professional assistance, and what family caregivers should do without seeking help. I believe the sample was biased, because it confined itself only in one health facility. Many aspects of cancer were left out as it is a global issue.


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