The survey was conducted in the Anderson school in New York and it was mandated to identify how the best elementary school looks like. The survey focused on the gender and age of the parents, their children’s grade, how the parents and children feel about the school in terms of security, finance management, professionalism of the teachers and how the parents are involved in school activities and operations.
The reason behind choosing the above topics and subtopics was to identify the various age groups and gender of the parents, the seriousness of the school in bringing up an all round and moral children. With the survey, I am able to gather the parent’s opinion regarding how they feel about the school and finally deduce whether their elementary school fits in the best elementary school category.
A dependent variable in a survey is that variable that can be modified by some action. If the teacher/student ration is very low, the school can employ more teachers in order to ensure effective learning and monitoring of each and every child. An independent variable is that variable that can easily be manipulated by a researcher. These are variables that are known but not ones that can be predicted in a survey. It’s obvious that it’s only the parents with children in Anderson school who can be capable of giving the correct details in the survey because they are the only ones familiar with the school. (Arlene ,1995)
There are several measurement scales that have been used in the survey. The YES/NO questions falls in the category of Nominal measurement scale while the EXCELLENT/GOOD/FAIR/POOR questions falls under Ordinal measurement scale.
The survey was conducted through a quantitative data collection method by use of questionnaires. The questionnaires were paper-pencil form of questionnaires. The sampling method used in the survey was systematic sampling. After coming up with a sample size, every 15th parent entering the school gate out of all parents that attended the annual general meeting was given the questionnaires and asked to fill and drop at the gate on their way out of the school.
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