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Common Miracles The New American Revolution

The video 1993 Common Miracles The New American Revolution in Learning attempts to show how the educators, administrators, the society and the parents are able to play an important role in assisting the students in acquiring their special talents and learning capabilities. The video is composed of interviews with a wide range of people; instructors, psychologists, principals, parents and students themselves(Instructors, 1994). The writers, Jennings and Blake visit schools in wide range of the country. They get to know that the traditional method of education like factory model schools and IQ evaluation is substituted with the use of cooperative learning, applied computer use, apprenticeships, parent and the society as well as philosophy that all the students have a special ability and are able to learn. The video’s main aim is to free the human ability in all of the Americans.

Traditional learning has displayed the insistence on verbal, analysis and mathematical factors of intelligence and has led to the limited focus on other factors of intelligence. Several intelligences being addressed should lead to high level of independence and responsibility, high cooperative skills, good information retention ability and high capability to work using several intelligences.


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The schools insist on the advancement of HOT skills (High Order Thinking Skills). The method applied in teaching ought to be Socratic hence giving the students the chance to find their truths and be active in the acquisition of knowledge or learning practice. Students ought to be given the chance to fail, otherwise known as controlled floundering if one desires. Organized acts of solving problems and group knowledge acquisition ought to be encouraged in the classes. While still maintaining the teacher, there should be the applied use of the computer which will add value in the learning process.

The students ought to get the knowledge of how to learn and think, advance their concentration levels as well as a disciplinary method which gives the students the chance to learn in an area and shift it to another.



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