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Self Reflection

My prior experience and expertise with technology and research environments would be described as incredibly refreshing. I have experienced technology quite for awhile now; I remember my first time with technology was awesome. I was initially so scared of gadgets which I dint know how they operate but with time I got used to them and that’s when I really enjoyed. My curiosity made me develop interest in programming and I attend several short training courses for instance I studied a short course program in PHP and Microsoft Office. I designed some school programs for example, Issued and incoming program, Educational Supervision Program, Manager Program 2009 and Personnel Program which I designed by use of Microsoft Office Access. I also know how to register a domain name and how to install a bulletin or PHP-Nuke on a website.

Currently am living in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia and I have worked as a headmaster for intermediate school. At some point I had to abandon my job to pursue other academic endeavors among them was finishing my studies at Curtin University of Technology. I have basically worked as a teacher for four good years and as a headmaster for another five years in both elementary and intermediate school. My experience with education and particularly classroom learning was wonderful. Classroom learning enables one to listen to different views from different classmates and that in a way helps in expanding ones knowledge and world view.


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My ability to produce a web site can be rated by basically looking at some of the web sites that I have developed and also looking at some of the applications and features that am able to incorporate in the web site. I expect to learn quite a lot from this course, first of all lots of science, mathematics ,the role of multimedia in teaching or learning, scientific research and design. Lastly I expect to acquire skills to empower myself to be self reliant using technology.



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