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Proposal of Borouge Company “One of ADNOC Group”


This essay provides a research proposal on the Borouge Company of ADNOC group of companies. It provides information about the company. It also states a hypothesis which the research seeks to prove. It also gives the methodologies used in obtaining the information, the data and its analysis. It concludes by stating whether the proposal proves the hypothesis or not.


The Borouge Company is also known as the Abu Dhabi Polymers Company. It was is a joint establishment between Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) and Borealis, which is the leading producer of polyolefin in Europe. Borouge has its headquarters in the United Arab Emirates and Singapore. It also has offices in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Mumbai and Beirut. They have representatives in Australia, New Zealand Pakistan, Egypt, Thailand and Taiwan. It serves in more than 40 nationalities. The Borealis Company has been producing polyolefin for more than 50 years. Products from the Borouge Company include communication cables, power cables and pipe systems.

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This proposal seeks to prove the hypothesis which states; the employees of a certain industry or company directly affects the customers, which results to effects on the production and profits made by the firm. In this case, there is a direct relationship between the employees and the customers in the Borogue Company. The satisfaction of employees will lead to production of quality products. These products go directly to the customers. Due to the good quality, the customers buy more goods. Therefore, the productivity of the company increases as well as the profitability.

Research Methodologies and Reviews

To prove the hypothesis, the research uses financial figures from the company as well as written figures indicating customers and employees’ satisfactions. The research also considers different views and feedbacks by the employees regarding their working conditions in the Borogue Company. The financial figures and records of the Borouge Company will show the effects of different employees’ conditions on the customers. The comparison of the figures and the employees’ feedback in a certain fiscal year will assist in proving the hypothesis (Jankowicz 2005).

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Data Presentation and Analysis

The employees of the Borouge Company point out that the level of motivation is fair. The company has an employee population of 1600.  They state that the company retains the best employees by merit. There is also a team for strategy and support which takes care of the employee compensation and benefits in each region of operation (Pearson 2009). To enhance innovation, the company provides job specialization and career development opportunities. These include talent and competency frameworks as well as job-coaching, mentoring, world-class training courses, foreign assignments and attachments. These programs kicked off generally in the year 2000. In the year 2001, the sales and profits for the company rose drastically (Kirk 2000). With time the company has grown to produce up to 600KTA of polyethylene in 2005 up from 450KTA in 2000. It has also expanded to obtaining an ethane cracker with an annual capacity of 1.4 million tons up from 0.8 million in the same period. This is with the increase in annual profits by more than 3% each fiscal year. In recent years the company has expanded not only its profits but also on innovations. It showcased its latest wire and cable solutions at Middle East Electricity Summit 2013, a great innovation in the power sector (Ngaido 2000).


According the above data, the employees’ satisfaction directly implies that customers too will be satisfied. The motivation of employees in a company determines the quality of the services they provide. It is therefore correct to conclude that the satisfaction of employees brings about the satisfaction of customers, which in turn affects the profitability and productivity of the Borouge Company.  The owners of the company should therefore invest on consumer motivation for more gains.


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