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Monitoring Implemented Policy

Policy monitoring is a vital part of management planning process. Policy monitoring helps the management to know how well the policy is being rolled out and peoples reaction to it. This helps to determine further action and any improvements that can be done on the policy. A thorough and integrated approach should be applied in order to get the most out of the monitoring test. However, a lot of challenges are faced while monitoring the policies impacts and outcome. This paper will focus on the challenges inherent in monitoring the impacts and outcomes of policy once it has been implemented.

One major challenge faced is noncompliance of the people being interviewed. When assessing impacts of an implemented policy, people directly affected by the policy implementation are often the best source of information. They can either make the process easy or not. When they are noncompliant, it makes the whole activity difficult. This may be in the form of them giving false information. This can cripple the whole process as it does not exactly give the correct outcome of the policy implemented. False information given will also mean improvements suggested on the policy might be irrelevant. It is therefore important that correct information be given by respondents (Dunn, 2011).


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In monitoring the impacts and outcome of an already implemented policy, it is usually important to get as many respondents as possible. This is to ensure a proper evaluation of the policy. However, at times one might encounter hostile and biased respondents. Such respondents are unapproachable and getting information from them is quite difficult. They choose who or not to give information to. They can also totally refuse to give any information. When such situations arise, it may mean that number of response you get about the policy is reduced. Therefore, this would mean a thorough monitoring and evaluation was not done.

Time factor is another challenge. While some policy monitoring may take too long while others may take a short time. However, too much time spent on the monitoring process means that other processes are delayed. Getting information from the media and people may take a lot of time than planned. This would delay the whole process. Therefore, the method used to monitor should be as effective as possible; using the least time possible.

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In conclusion, it is evident that a number of challenges are experienced while monitoring the impact and outcome of a policy. However, the method used to ensure it is as effective as possible; giving as much information as possible.



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