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The Theory of the Soul

The theory of the soul is a postulation by Plato that there are three souls: the appetitive, reasonable and emotional components. He derived them from the analogy of the city and the soul. The argument is that individuals ought to have same values and perform similar tasks as a city. Therefore, just like a city, an individual is a complicated whole but each part in the whole has its unique role. This leads to the three energies: the appetite identified with urges and cravings, Emotive/spiritual responsible in enforcing the decisions of reason and the rational which guides human behavior, it executes thought, weighs the real and the apparent, makes a judgment/decides. He, therefore, concludes that it is not to ones advantage to be unjust since only a just person can find true happiness having let reason prevail over appetite and emotion. In his argument against critics who allude that saints though just are unhappy and tyrants are unjust yet happy he contends that: tyrants are never be truly happy because the lower passions they follow them force them to exchange Reason for Emotion, such as the fear of assassination, mistrust and appetite in place of reason such as greed. As for saints, they have an internal equilibrium that supersedes external torture hence true happiness.



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