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Jesse Jackson's Speech

Coalition is the agreement of people or parties who have something in common and are trying to cooperate in joint action. In the text, Jackson is trying to create a coalition between people of different: - races, status, political parties and people of different ideologies. He tries to highlight the life of people from slums saying that he was also born in the same place.

The life of the people living in the slums of the United States is bad, and Jackson as a presidential candidate promises to change this by making a coalition between the people with this status and those at the affluent end. Jackson describes America as a piece of cloth with a lot of patches meaning that he would like to create a conducive environment for people of different races to be accepted in the United States. The candidate also tries to make a coalition between the members of the Democratic Party. He would like them to come together and support his bid to the presidential position.

Jackson is focused on changing lives of the people of the United States. He speaks for changing the leadership that means having a leader who cares for the people and not a leader who uses the people to fulfill his/her dreams. Jackson is also focused on developing programs that can be used to provide basic needs to the people of America. He speaks of providing food to the hungry, clothing to the unclothed, providing shelter to those who don’t have one. Programs to improve the education system and providing education to all are also dreams that Jackson holds. The provision and creation of employment to those who are jobless is also a focus that the candidate is promising to provide when he is given a chance to lead the country. Jackson also says that it’s worth speaking this to the leaders and the people of his country. Even if he looses the position, the ideas will be useful for the success of the country.



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