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Strategies at Banner Health Care

Banner healthcare is a non-profit making health organization covering a number of states in the United States. The states serviced by Banner healthcare through the provision of Healthcare services include Arizona, Alaska, California, Colorado, Nebraska, Nevada and Wyoming. The extensive presence of Banner healthcare facilities in the seven states makes it an essential component in the provision of healthcare facilities in the United States. Banner Health care has various characteristics, strategies, plans, improvement practices and staffing functions aimed at the improvement of service delivery and improved patient satisfaction (Plunkett, 2008). This paper aims at enumerating the various ways Banner health care is inclined on the provision of quality service in the next decade. Demonstration of Banner’s service delivery happens through enumerating the various plans for nurse staffing and network growth, resource management, and patient satisfaction strategies implemented by Banner healthcare.


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Introduction of various services at Banner healthcare aid in the improvement of service platforms and readies itself for better service delivery in the next decade. The most recent service inclusion is the creation of a cancer center, which depicts Banner Healthcare’s readiness to provide health services to cancer patients. This is among Banner’s strategic plan for better readiness to service delivery in the next decade. Banner health is ready for service delivery in the next decade through improved services covering areas including bariatric surgery, burn care, diabetes, emergency care, and home care services (Plunkett, 2008). Further development in insurance plans, neurosciences, maternity, surgical care, pediatrics and rehabilitation among other areas makes the organization to be ready in catering for the services of the citizens in the next decade. Presence at various locations aids in the improvement of service delivery and improved accessibility of Banner healthcare to highlighting the organization's readiness in addressing the healthcare needs of citizens in the next decade. Further staffing and management functions development highlight readiness for service delivery to the people at Banner healthcare (Davis, 2008). Improved information exchange capability among Banner healthcare facilities also highlights the readiness of Banner healthcare in the provision of healthcare services to the people in the following ten years.

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Banner Health care addresses network growth and nurse staffing through various strategies as outlined below in the paper. First, Banner Healthcare network growth involves the introduction of various services to the existing services for better service delivery (Plunkett, 2008). The integration of primary physician care clinics to offered services depicts this fact on the networking platform of the organization. The other strategy taken by Banner healthcare in the networking platform is the agreement with Aetna for the provision of technology for the enhancement of information exchange, improvement of patient data analytics and increased mobile connectivity. The achievement of stage 7 by 17 banner health facilities also highlights the networking improvements at Banner healthcare. Banner’s acquisition of 2-hospital system, two physician groups, and the announcement of joint venture with M.D. Anderson also highlight networking strategies at Banner health.

Nurse staffing strategies at Banner healthcare entail the provision of excellent working environment for work and the provision of staff benefits for increased nurse’s retention. The strategic benefits for nurse staffing implemented at Banner healthcare include provision of housing, competitive compensation, attractive bonuses, use of electronic medical records, excellent training facilities and award of travel allowances (Davis, 2008). These benefits and development strategies at Banner health aimed for nurses and other members of staff aid in improving nurse retention practices, ability to attract excellent practitioners, worldwide quality service delivery and improved patient care services.

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Resource management strategies at Banner for the improvement of service delivery and functionality include integration of IT in service delivery. IT integration in service delivery improved resource utilization and improved services delivery in documentation, administration and scheduling, nursing order management, information management and emergency service delivery (Glick et al, 2009). IT development and implementation strategy resulted in the saving of $ 2.6 million by Banner Healthcare, increased nurses retention hence reduce hiring and training expenses, reduced form costs and reduced pharmacy costs. These various advantages lead to increased resource management practices at Banner, accelerated service delivery and improved financial stability. A 1.7 billion investment in new facilities that led to an increased bed capacity by 798 at Banner health, highlights another resource management strategy at Banner health for efficient and improved service delivery (Glick et al, 2009). Other resource management strategies implemented at Banner healthcare include staff training and improvement of hospital infrastructure for support of hardware and software to achieve optimum resource utilization (Hanson et al, 2011). Management training as change agents to aid in the implementation and success of change initiatives at Banner healthcare also depicts resource management strategy (human resource) by Banner healthcare.

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There are various strategic plans developed by Banner healthcare for efficiency and improved patient satisfaction. Banner healthcare ensures a vast deal of respect to patients, high privacy levels on information about their care and quality service delivery. Implementation of patient survey practices on service delivery aids Banner healthcare assesses patient satisfaction and realizes areas of improvement needs at the organization. Expert care provision by Banner health staff and physicians augments patient satisfaction hence another strategy implemented at Banner healthcare on patient satisfaction. Another patient satisfaction strategy implemented at Banner healthcare includes the partnership between Banner and Arizona State for the improved patient safety. Other patient satisfaction practices at Banner health include provision of spiritual and emotional health services. Spiritual staff at Banner provides pastoral services, response to crisis, massage therapy and pet therapy services to patients for improved patient satisfaction. Care transformation initiative at Banner healthcare is another strategy aimed at the improvement of patient satisfaction using innovative computer systems for safe and better patient care. Patient care channels optimization at Banner entail implemented strategies on scrutinizing of all surgery scheduling and patient record management. Integration of electronic records on lab reports, nurse and doctor notes and medical images improves caregiver’s service delivery augmenting patient satisfaction at Banner Healthcare (Hanson et al, 2011). An overall aim of the implementation of the above strategies is the realization of better, quality service that translates to improved patient satisfaction at Banner Healthcare.

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In conclusion, strategic implementation in various front including networking, nurse staffing, resource management, and patient satisfaction happens at Banner Healthcare. The implementation of these strategies in the mentioned areas improves the readiness of Banner healthcare for service delivery to citizens in the next decade. From the stated strategies at Banner healthcare, we conclude that Banner healthcare is ready for the provision of efficient services, quality healthcare and augments patient satisfaction in the following decade.



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