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Research on Obstetric Practice

Numerous studies have been done regarding the health and safety of childbirth. These efforts are aimed at determining the various shortfalls that underlie the methodologies adopted during maternal care provision. Previously, there has been tight scrutiny to the data that is available to facilitate the appropriate findings of the studies. It has been noted that research significantly helps to determine the effectiveness of the child delivery process and where to get the best obstetric services. Notably, if such findings were available to the public, it would help pregnant women to make rational decisions regarding maternity-care services. The assessment of this vital data, necessary for bringing in new dimension in maternity services, facilitates the surety of the nurses and doctors in undertaking their duties in a convenient and effective manner anticipated by woman. Mostly, the data that is used for various studies indicates that the information obtained may not definitely reflect the desired objectives of the research. At the same time, this data portrays the quantitative perspective of maternity care rather than some qualitative aspects, which may be essential. In this regard, researchers find that the numerous challenges encountered during delivery or other post- labour complications are due to the maternal designs adopted at the stage.


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The data, usually available for maternal care analysis, includes the documented records of the delivering woman’s reactions, her health status after delivery or the baby’s features and the birth certificate. To some extent, this data may not be beneficial in deriving the effectiveness aimed at the provision of maternal care. Therefore, in order to come up with the appropriate means of analysing the data, researchers observe the delivery session procedures inclusive of the aftermath results. After multiple hurdles, researchers found that through the quantitative aspects of maternal care problems, effective delivery could be realized by enhancing the skin-to-skin duration after birth. This finding advocated for mothers to accept breastfeeding the newborn babies as it significantly contributed to the relationship that would later be established between the child and the mother.

In the quest to generate qualitative research data, videotaping the events that occur during delivery provides researchers with crucial data for the improvement of maternal care. A later analysis of the information collected through the recording facilitates the researchers to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses exhibited during the process and recommend the appropriate ways of enhancing maternal care. Illustrations from the videotaped births indicated that during labour, adequate consideration were made on the vaginal exams. During this period, most women reacted differently. The reactions included crying, screaming, and cursing based on the pain that individuals experienced. Notably, there were different reactions on the pain at the vaginal exams or during contraction. Based on these observations, it was established that most maternity care providers did not prepare the women psychologically in anticipation of the pain associated with vaginal exams compared to the contraction period.

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In the pursuit of qualitative research, researchers have discovered new ideas and concepts that need to be studied to determine their effectiveness in obstetric practices. In relation to the statements issued by the maternal care providers to the women in labour, the process of pushing can be significantly enhanced. While performing the vaginal exams, it is very critical that this exercise is handled accordingly to help women in the second stage of labour. Despite this argument, the qualitative aspects of research provoke new studies as to whether the vaginal exams elicit the woman’s best effort during pushing. Such realisation boosts the manner in which the maternal care can be provided effectively.

Another value of qualitative research is that it enlightens researchers on the phrases that maternal care providers actually use during course of labour. These phrases have great impacts on women in labour in giving them reassurance and helping them to cope with the pain. The words used may be supportive or directive with respect to the woman in labour in either a coached or a spontaneous pushing. Similarly, these studies reveal the titles that help women during the delivery process. The usage of these titles generates confidence and strength in the women thus improving their efforts at the pushing process.

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Qualitative research displays the paternal traits rampant in the medical obstetric models. Some providers may despise the efforts of the women at labour despite having undertaken the vaginal exams on them. These deeds significantly affect the morale of the women and thus indicate the inefficiencies that underlie the obstetric practitioners. Moreover, qualitative research shows the disturbing narratives that women get from the providers. In such cases, it may be significantly traumatic to the women and shows the inconsiderate nature of the providers.

In spite of the qualitative research being undertaken at the hospitals or clinics, a lot of improvement is still required concerning the maternal care offered at home. Repeatedly, home delivery could be planned or unplanned thus influencing the woman’s exposure to various risks some of which may be fatal. For the planned home birth, the midwife or doulas need to give supportive care to the woman and handle the delivery process in a humane manner to reduce the pain and trauma that may result during and after birth. At times, unplanned home delivery may occur and therefore the studies pose challenges that need to be tackled to minimise pain and ensure the success of the maternal care provided to the woman. Because of the adequate improvement adopted by the maternal providers, neonatal mortality and the woman’s trauma after birth would be significantly reduced.



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