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Perfect Body


The ideal American women are not thin. Many women idealization is to have the perfect body. A beautiful body captivates men’s hearts. Historically, a perfect body encompasses being slim and well -proportioned. Men generally choose a woman with a perfect body. Consequently, women strive to acquire a perfect body to be wanted. Young people understand about the skinny yet medium -busted ideal from media and friends. Indeed, the ideal American women’s perfect body covers many beauty factors.

Perfect Body

The ideal American women are not thin. Borgese describes beautiful women as follows: “She was buxom and healthy. Her dark hair, excessively abundant …her body, tall and full, though upright on trim ankles…her dull dark complexion needed passion…” (Borgese, 2001;25). This quote clearly shows that a perfect woman is a mixture of several factors, not only thin. Another author emphasized that beauty is in the eye of the beholder (Whitman, 1998). The ideal American women’s perfect body encompasses many beauty factors.                          


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Women idealization is to have the perfect body to feel wanted. A beautiful body magnetizes men. Historically, a perfect body includes being slim and well -proportioned. The beauty of Helen of Troy had launched a thousand ships. The Troy lover, Paris, captivated her heart (George, 2006).

Men generally prefer to have a woman with a perfect body. Some men show off the beautiful body of their women as a trophy. Usually, women with beautiful bodies produce beautiful children. Men generally prefer the woman with a beautiful body (Napoleon, 2003). In turn, women will go out of their way to have a perfect body. Some starve themselves to bring down their excessive fat. Other women take slimming pills to reduce. Other women exercise regularly to have a beautiful body (Todd, 1998).

Young people learn about the skinny yet medium -busted ideal from media and friends. Movies show off women with perfect bodies. James Bond seduces beautiful women (Fauconnier, 1997). Movies generally depict beautiful women (Benshoff, 2004). A friend often displays the lover’s beautiful body.

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Briefly, a woman’s perfect body is a mixture of several factors, not only thin. Women idealize having a perfect body to feel wanted. Men generally prefer a woman with a perfect body. Indeed, the ideal American women’s perfect body covers many beauty factors.



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