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Is there a place for nanotechnology in Medicine

In the contemporary world, the application of technological applications has been adopted as a growth and developmental strategy in different industrial settings. Medicine being an important field by virtue of its role in the maintenance of human health through carefully chosen interventions has not been left behind. Consequently, this seen numerous adoptions of technological applications with the most phenomenal being nanotechnology. According to Coombs and Robinson (1996), “Nanotechnology is concerned with the design and manufacture of components with submicrometre dimensions, of larger components with submicrometer tolerance or surface finishes and of machines with submicrometer precision of positioning or motion” (p.xx). Hence, nanotechnology is applicable in medicine specifically focusing on drug action, establishing interaction between body elements, understanding key body functions, and examining or treating cancer.

First, nanotechnology plays a key role in understanding the mode of drug action in the human body cells. Ordinarily, pharmacists have found it an uphill task trying to understand the individual action of drugs in the human body system. This has led to the development of biochemical and laboratory techniques aimed at analyzing drug delivery mechanisms in the body. Currently, some of the applications in medicine include nano-based drug delivery systems and important diagnostic tests (Pagliaro, 2010). As a result, it has been possible to study the individual processes of specific drugs in the body with an aim of establishing the best cure for human needs.


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Secondly, nanotechnology plays a fundamental role in understanding interaction between body elements. From an analytical perspective, nanotechnology holds significance in the field of biology primarily because most biological reactions occur in the dimensions of micro to nanomolar concentrations; hence, it possible to establish the interactions taking place between proteins and human DNA or between molecules and cells necessitating the need to create very small volumes or structures for in situ, in vivo and real time analysis (Pagliaro, 2010). Consequently, this has enabled medical professionals to conduct important tests aimed at understanding the specific modes of biological action within the human system. As a result, medical professionals have been able to formulate important theories by answering their long term answered research hypothesis, leading to establishment of critical information that can be used for learning purposes in the field of medicine.

Thirdly, through nanotechnology medical professionals have been able to isolate the role played by certain miniature structures in the human body. It has been established that many natural objects in existence are found in nanoscale, while majority of the nanostructures can be found in the cells of almost all living creatures (Fritz, 2003). Consequently, the establishment of this fundamental fact has enabled biologists to understand the individual functions that are critical to the survival of human life.Moreover, the nanostructures located within the cells support critical functions whereby some are responsible for breaking down for the body to use in the form of fuel, while other nanostructures are charged with pulling molecules apart then processing them to provide raw materials for cellular defense and repair (Fritz, 2003). As a result, this demystifies previous assumptions some which have for long time been based on theoretical backgrounds with no valid proof.

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Fourthly, the application of nanotechnology in modern day cancer research activities has led to the development of a better understanding regarding the process of spread, causes and possible interventions towards cancer. According to DeVita et al (2008), “Nanotechnology will have a significant impact on early diagnosis and targeted drug delivery” (p.31). This shows the role of nanotechnology in detecting the early occurrence of cancerous growths and formulation of possible modes of treatment. Inorganic nanoparticles capable of binding with some specific tumor markers existing at significantly low concentrations in the serum can be exploited as agents for harvesting serum (DeVita et al, 2008). It is important to note that serum normally supports functions of different elements apart from its role as a component of blood. DeVita et al (2008) add that, “In future, patients may be injected with such nanoparticles that seek out and bind tumor or disease markers of interest” (p.32). Hence, once these nano particles have attach themselves to their targets, they can be harvested or extracted from the serum for the purposes of diagnosis or monitoring of the level of disease progression (DeVita et al, 2008). Hence, this reveals the contribution of nanotechnology in understanding the proliferation of cancerous tumors in the human body system.

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Finally, it is important to note that the application of nanotechnology in the domain of medicine offers many long awaited solutions in the field. In essence, nanotechnology plays a key role in understanding the mode of drug action in the human body cells and the mode of interaction between body elements. Moreover, numerous medical professionals have used nanotechnology to isolate the role played by certain miniature structures in the human body and the application of nanotechnology in modern day cancer research activities has led to the development of a better understanding on the specific modes of spread of cancerous tumors, possible causes and interventions regarding the same. As a result, nanotechnology offers future the medical professionals a critical tool that will lead to better health care provision for the diverse human health conditions or problems. Therefore, nanotechnology remains relevant in medicine amid other technological innovations.



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