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Martin Memorial Hospital

The Luiz Jimenez/Martin memorial hospital case explores extrajudicial medical returns or theexerciseof hospitalsprivatelydeporting of immigrantsickpeople. This contravenes with thelawof the United States, which demands that hospitals havesuitabledischarging plans for allsickindividualswho likelyexperienceseverehealthrepercussionsupon release. Itis allegedthat these extrajudicial deportations happen without theknowledgeof patients or their guardians and away from any government super intendance. Health institutions like hospitals, government agencies and nongovernmental organizationsreportover 100 extrajudicial transfers that lead togravehealth repercussions that may includedeath. Itis indicatedthat in the United States anestimationof 25 million immigrants restrained from the non-emergencyfederalhealth care coverage, illegal medical returns requirekeenmonitoring tosafeguardimmigrants’ rights under the international and United States laws.

The earnestness of this mischiefis clearly portrayedby the case of Luis Alberto Jimenez. In this case, Mr. Jimenez, an unregistered immigrant in Florida, who suffered annihilating braindamageand other external injuries? This uncertainty occurred due to an accident caused by a driver who was high on alcohol. After the bizarre incident, Mr. Jimenezwas takento a hospital known as Martin Memorial Medical center. In the hospital, Martin receivedcarefor a period of four months before the month of June, when hewas transferredto a nursing home.


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During the month, of January 2001, Mr. Jimenezhealthworsened, and hewas takenback to the hospital, where hehad been admittedafter the accident. Because of his unregistered status, he was not eligible for federal financialsupportfor the long term rehabilitative caring he deserved. Since the hospital was not in a favorablepositionof releasing Mr. Jimenez to asuitableUnited Statesfacility, the hospital looked for a court order mandating the hospital todeportMr. Jimenez to Guatemala. However, theguardianto Mr. Jimenez contested the lower court order the hospital contracted aprivateplantto rent an air ambulance and deport him to Guatemala byforce. The decision by Martin Memorial Hospital was incontraventionto the Emergency Medicaltreatmentleaveact (EMTALA).



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