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Clinical Nurse Specialist

This coursework establishes the goals and objectives of a clinical nursing specialist practicum. It develops a perfect understanding of the discipline, as well as the expertise required in the nursing practice. In particular, it focuses on the strategic management principles as relates to nursing care for asthma patients. In addition, it seeks to establish a systematic understanding of the expertise to be demonstrated in educating health care staffs, as well as in patients about the asthma related precautions. Further, the coursework focuses on how the acquired expertise in the nursing career can be used to improve the patient care and quality of life in general.

The programs involved in working as a clinical nursing specialist are quite intense and demanding. In light of this, a clearly thought out layout of the goals and objectives should be drawn early enough to ensure that nothing lags behind. Before embarking on the practicum, it has been necessary to collaborate with advanced practice nurses to establish the current trends in the nursing practice, as well as the emerging issues that may be necessary to understand. In particular, the populations that I will be dealing with often require specialized care that requires a thorough understanding. For instance, the adult populations have many issues to do with their reproductive life that require the special attention. In particular, women of adult age are either in childbearing stage or are getting into menopause. In both cases, they are being introduced into a new kind of life. As such, there are many things they may not understand about their personal life. In most instances, the clinical nursing specialist will be required to offer the appropriate advice. Although men of this age have limited health issues, the complications associated with the women equally affect them, as they are either fathers or husbands to women of this age (Hamric, Sprouse & Hanson, 2009).


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The actual provision of such patient care, therefore, clearly requires professional skills in the leadership of the clinical setting. This necessitates the need to keep in touch with advanced practice nurses, who properly understand the current trends in the management role of a nurse in a clinical setting. Ideally, the assessment of my program would require that patients are asked to give their opinions on the changes observed in the end of my practice, as a way of determining the possible impacts in the clinic. Although clinical practice involving adult population is often quite challenging to nurses, my practice will involve consultations with other healthcare providers to ensure the effectiveness. In particular, there will be a need to have a clinical pharmacist as a special consultant on matters pertaining to drug interactions and adverse effects on the population. Ideally, geriatric population usually has several drugs that they could be taking at the same time due to the nature of their lifestyles that makes them prone to multiple infections. As such, they develop serious complications due to interactions between the various drugs they take concurrently. For instance, there are drugs that potentiate the effects of others causing induced toxicity to their systems. It could be particularly dangerous for this specific community considering the delicate nature of cardiac complications. Essentially, a holistic knowledge of drug therapy, patient management and other current trends in the nursing practice will make it easy for me to adequately prepare for the examinations by the “American Association of Critical Care Nurses”; there will be a need to spare sometimes to prepare for the examinations. This will prevent any possible failures that could spell doom to my pursuit of the nursing career (Adelman, 1992).

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The vast part of the practice will involve the actual management of patients with cardiac complications. Ideally, this would require an active participation through the assessment, evaluation, and treatment modalities of patients with cardiac problems. For instance, the kind of therapy to be proposed to various patients must take into consideration the degree of severity of the disease in order to avoid inducing other complications or exposing the patients to a range of drug adverse effects. Although this remains quite a challenge to many physicians and clinical nurses, keeping a close contact with a professional pharmacist will help avoid these complications. Understandably, the chemistry and therapeutic effects of drugs are quite diverse to fully comprehend. This coupled with the complex interactions that drugs have with respect to one another makes it too critical to guess. In light of this, it will be necessary to uphold the integrity of the nursing profession by consulting where necessary (Hamric, Sprouse & Hanson, 2009).



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