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Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is a type of correctional surgery or rather a restoration of form to achieve a desired look or function. The surgery will mostly involve procedures that are intended for improvement of appearance through surgical or medical techniques. The sole purpose of cosmetic surgery is to maintain the normal young appearance while in other cases it can be performed to enhance the image beyond a certain level. The enhancement of looks towards an aesthetic ideal is the main reason why young girls in these modern times find it necessary to undergo these cosmetic surgery procedures. The surgery may also be be used as a re constructive procedure to restore the appearance of looks after a normal surgery or accident.

The statistics of cosmetic surgery are rising at exorbitant rates which has made this process to go under intense scrutiny to establish its advantages and disadvantages. Breast lift, breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, liposuction are just a few of the cosmetic surgery procedures that are performed on young girls. Young girls find these procedures as a means and ways to correct facial flaws or figures so as to attain a desired look. Cosmetic surgery has received it fair share of success as well as failures.

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Young girls will often bare the brunt associated with low self esteem issues and how they are affected by undergoing cosmetic surgery. While most of the young girls will see it a quick fix solution the underlying facts of the surgery and its effects have to be carefully understood before making a decision. The media has a pivotal role to play in shaping the ways in which these young girls think. The media has been criticized over the years for the role it has played in lowering the self esteem of young adults. It does this by creating a kind of idealized image of a perfect look and however exaggerated the image may be, it will often lead young girls to think of it as a reality ( Wright, 1947).

It is every parents wish that they young daughters do not suffer from low self esteem and so they may go out of their way to make this happen. Cosmetic surgery may be beneficial in many ways but it is also important not to ignore the disadvantages that it can bring all together. Girls who opt for this type of surgery have to be both mentally and psychologically prepared for it. The fact that after cosmetic surgery the past looks will have been lost forever should be a key to guiding their decisions. It would be prudent for one to view the situations from different angles and especially analyzing the situation by simulating the looks before and after the surgery.

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The self esteem of a young girl may be boosted by the cosmetic surgery but the surgery may also act as the catalyst to lower self esteem. The numerous statistics that are carried out show that those who have undergone the process at a younger age tend to reverse the situation as the years pass by. This may be the case especially for girls who undergo breast enlargement while in their teens.

Most of the young girls may think that undergoing a cosmetic surgery will improve their self esteem in an instance. This statement may be true if the surgery is inevitable in certain situations such as reconstruction after an accident. Recent studies have shown that many of the young girls who had self esteem issues in their teenage years tend to be more satisfied in latter years of their lives. Studies have also shown that many who undergo some types of cosmetic surgeries such as breast implants are 4 times likely to commit suicide. Since the primary goal of cosmetic surgery is to improve on appearance the considerable effect that it has on the overall self esteem makes it hard to judge its effectiveness (Suzanne, 2003)


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