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American Red Cross

Public health deals with the health of the population. It revolves around prevention of diseases and injuries, health protection and promotion. Public health emphasizes on the social situations and systems that have an influence each person within a community. In the past, significant improvements in mortality and mobility were achieved; the achievements were made by undertaking measures, which were aimed at curbing the spread of communicable infections. Screening of diseases, immunization, clean water, hand washing, and other sanitation processes, which most people take for granted have tremendously helped in the reduction of most communicable diseases. These steps helped in the increment of life expectancy and the improvement of population’s health (California HealthCare Foundation, 2008).

The American Red Cross provides numerous services to the needy in the society by offering relief food and medical services among other services to the affected victims. They provide relief help; this is provided to families who have been hit by a disaster in Montgomery, Philadelphia, Chester, and most of Delaware and Bucks Countries. The American Red Cross disaster relief emphasizes on dealing with people’s immediate emergency disaster-caused wants. In cases when disasters occur, the American Red Cross offers shelters, clothing, food, health, and mental health services to cater for basic human want. The aim of American Red Cross in their disaster work is to restore people’s normal in depended lives (Congressional Research Service, 2005).


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In case of family services the American Red Cross, offer disaster help to families and individuals on a case-by-case order. Although, the victims have the responsibility of their own recovery, the American Red Cross helps the victims in the facilitation of the victim recovery efforts. All the assistance given by the American Red Cross to the victims is in the form of grants. It is given because of disaster-caused wants that a family is unable to access due to insufficiency of the available resources. Other help offered by the American Red Cross caseworkers involve referrals to other agencies that could be willing to help the disaster victims.

The American Red Cross has trained mental health workers with the responsibility of providing emergency and preventive mental health services to workers and disaster victims. The mental health workers who respond to these disasters offer brief counseling to the victims. These workers might also implement the usage of the local mental health community for orientation provision based on the immediate needs of the affected community (Community Guide, 2010).

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Once the American Red Cross has successfully rescued the victims for various disasters, the victims mostly experience a high degree of anxiety, which is brought about concerns that their loved ones might be unaware of their well-being and their whereabouts. The American Red Cross comes in handy in the provision of an inquiry system linking the victims and their loved ones elsewhere. They do this by collecting the necessary information from credible sources and then attempt to match this information with the inquiry obtained from the family members outside the disaster region. Once the family members have been traced, the American Red Cross links the person making the inquiry and family members (Trust for America’s Health, 2008).

In conclusion, Public health emphasizes on the social situations and systems that have an influence on each person within a community. In enhancing this factor, the American Red Cross is well versed with remedies for various problems that affect public health. All the assistance given by the American Red Cross to the victims is in the form of grants. American Red Cross helps the victims in the facilitation of the victim recovery efforts. The mental health workers who respond to these disasters offer brief counseling to the victims. The American Red Cross does not only help the victims to regain their psychological health but, also their social aspect of life. This is achieved by linking the victims with their families



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