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Trait Leadership

This is a type of leadership based on the features of numerous leaders. It helps in predicting leadership abilities in individuals by comparing the traits of successful and unsuccessful leaders. A good leader is creative, industrious, self-driven, courageous, and has effective communication and listening skills. A leader who does not have these traits can make a wise choice to be better. Leaders are not born. They are made.

Skills Based Leadership

According to this approach, a good leader has a set of skills which they develop over a period of time. It is applicable because it can help to define and distinguish technical, conceptual and human skills. Besides, it helps to illustrate how these traits function and influence one another.

Leadership Approaches

There are different types of approaches which can be applied in leadership notably contingency and mentoring. The contingency approach explains that there is no best type of leadership. Instead, the choice of approach should depend on the situation in the organization. In such a case, the management should choose the one which will effectively resolve the issue at hand. On the other hand, mentoring approach advocates for the use of mentors to personally coach employees over a given period of time (Northouse, P.G., 2009).

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Style Approach

This style of leadership mainly focuses on the behavior of the leader. It does this by emphasizing on the actions and conducts of leaders. These can be classified into relationship and task behaviors. An effective leader should blend these traits.

Leadership Grid

It refers to a behavioral leadership model that focuses on the concern for production and people to identify leadership styles. These include dictatorial, indifferent, accommodating, opportunistic and laissez faire styles (Northouse, P.G., 2009). A public safety leader should be located in the team style section which is the highest point on the grid. 


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