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Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and selection is one of the role played by human resource manager in the organization. Human resource department is one of the departments in the organization that deals with the issues relating to employees of the company which include identifying positions that need to be filled in the organization, interviewing, selecting of the best and talented employees to join the organization's workforce, training of the employees, remuneration of employees of the services offered and ensuring that the employees of the organization are well motivated.  The organizations in the world have realized that the human resources is the most valuable assets in the organization and therefore necessary measures have being put in place in the organization to ensure that the organization attracts and retains the most talented workforce in the market that would ensure that the organization attain the competitive advantage over its competitors (Jones & George, 2007).

The company in which the recruitment and the selection processes would be reviewed is Zetech Corporation. The company deals with offering computer hardware and software product in the United States. The company is one of the largest companies in the computer hardware and software industry on the basis of the revenue the company generates per annum and the capital base. The company has diversified its operation in many markets in the world to enjoy the low costs of doing business offered by various economies in the world. The company provides employment to about 200,000 employees in the world; both the technical and operational staff. The company employs the liberal policies in its operations where the employees are given opportunities to make their independent decisions free from the interference of the management. This has enabled the organization to come up with superior products in the market since the employees are motivated to generate ideas in the organizations that are necessary in ensuring that the company is innovative.  The company is known in that world for recruiting and selecting the most talented personnel in the world to join in the workforce in the company (Bohlander  & Snell, 2009).


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1. The approach nature and composition of the workforce in the organization

The organization believes in recruiting and selecting the most intelligent person to join the team of the employees in the company. It is the policy of the company to recruit and select the employee who is most talented and intelligent as compared to the experience the employees have in the industry. Therefore, the human resource manager at Zetech Corporation chooses those to join the workforce in the organization from people outside the organization as compared to those in the organization.

2. How many positions are filled annually? How many applications are received for each vacant position?

Zetech Corporation receives hundred of thousand applications each year from the fresh graduates from colleges. Only few people are selected among the hundred of thousands who had applied for various positions in the world. This shows that the company has created goodwill among the people as shown by the number of applications that company receives each year. The reason as to why there are few people that are selected among those who have applied for the position is that the company looks for the most talented and intelligent person to join the workforce. The human resources managers visit colleges and university in looking for the brightest students who that company recruits and selects to join the workforce (Bohlander & Snell, 2009).

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3. What methods are used to recruit applicants?

The organization uses head hunting method of recruiting and selecting the employees of the company. As stated earlier, the company looks for the most talented and intelligent person as compared to the experience the person possesses. Therefore, the company goes to the educational organization that offers technical knowledge to the students that is relevant to the organization and chooses among the most talented and intelligent students who are then given the opportunity to join the organization. Some of the institutions that the organization visits to look for the employees of the company include the Universities like University of Yale, Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of technology.

The human resources managers in the organization visit these elite institutions and choose among the student fraternity the most intelligent and the talented students. This is done in collaboration with the management of these institutions who help identify the most talented students in the college according to the academic performance recorded by the respective students. This acts as motivation to the students in the universities to work extra hard for them to get the opportunities to join the prestigious company such as Zetech.

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4. What is the general approach to selection?

The general approach to selection is judgmental. The Zetech Corporation selects the talented and the most intelligent people from the various prestigious universities and colleges in the Unites States to join the workforce. The human resource managers use judgments to determine who to choose or leave to join the workforce in the organization. The organization also collaborates with the management of the learning institutions in choosing the talented and most intelligent students among their students. The talents cannot be measured therefore the judgment on the student abilities become handy.

5. What selection devices or methods are employed?

The selection device employed by the Zetech Corporation is through determination of intelligence and talents possessed by the candidates who would like to join the institution.  The company looks for the talented person as compared to the skills which most of the companies in the world look while hiring their employees. The skills are acquired from the experience the person acquires for having work in the organization while the talents and the intelligence are not acquired but inward characters of a person. The people who are mandated in recruiting and selecting the employees of the company visits the universities and the colleges to select among the student fraternity the talented and the most intelligent employees of the company. The method that is applied by the Zetech Corporation is unique to the company since most companies look for the skills possessed by the person to be hired to join the workforce in the organization as opposed to the talent and the intelligence used to select the employees in Zetech Corporation (Harrison & Caron, 2009).

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6. Are these selection devices or methods validated? How?

The methods used to select the employees of the company by looking at the talents and the intelligence possessed by the person as compared to the skills possessed by the person is validated in the organization. The organization has more than 300 recruiters that are mandated to recruit and select the employees of the company. Once the employees are selected to join the organization, the recruiters keep on monitoring the employees of the company to determine whether indeed the employees of the company are intelligent and talented and thus would be in position in adding value to the organization and thus the competitive advantage. The Zetech Corporation prides as having the best employees in the industry that are the major source of the competitive advantage (Harrison & Caron, 2009).

7. Does the organization attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of its R&S system? If so, how? Which model does it apply?

The organization continuously evaluates the effectiveness of its recruitment and selection system. Once the employees of the organization are selected to join the organization the employees are grouped into working team under the supervision of the person who comes from the same functional department as the newly employed staff.  The recruiter subjects the employees to the same pressure as they would experience while carrying out their duties; this helps determine whether the employees would handle the pressure while working for the organization. This model is effective in determining the effectiveness of the recruitment and the selection design as those who cannot handle the pressure during the initial stages of the recruitment are dropped from the workforce of the company (Cassidy, Kreitner & Kreitner, 2009).

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8. Is the R&S system integrated into the organization's strategic management system? If so, how?

The R&S system is integrated into the organization's strategic management system. The recruitment and the selection of the employees of the company is one of the strategic management roles in Zetech. The company derives it competitive advantage from hiring the best employees in the industry. The role of strategic management system is to ensure that the organization is in position to meet its goals and therefore competitive advantage to that organization. The employees in Zetech Corporation are the source of competitive advantage therefore the R&S systems are integrated into the organization's strategic management systems (Harrison &  Caron, 2009).

9. To what extent does R&S abide by human rights principles at each stage of the process? Be specific.

The R&S abide to the human right principle that states that people should not be discriminated in employment. The Zetech Corporation does not discriminate the people who join the workforce basing on the nationality, gender, age and the race. As long as the employees of the company meet criteria the organization is looking for, the person is eligible to get employment in the company (Harrison & Caron, 2009).

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10. In what other ways could the R&S process be evaluated either positively or negatively?

The recruitment and the selection process at the Zetech Corporation is positive. All people are given the opportunity to join the organization if they are talented regardless of the experience the person possesses, the age, gender or even the race. The diversity among the employees of the company that come as a result of R&S is the source of competitive advantage to the company.

11. In light of the above issues, what recommendations would you make to improve the R&S process in the organization?

The recommendation to ensure the improvements in R&S process in the organization is that the organization is that the organization should also consider the skills possessed by the candidate above his intelligence and talents to reduce the cost of training the employees and therefore reducing the overall costs of doing business.



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