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Project Management

a. The Inception Phase

Qn. Please complete your evaluation of project management during this phase.

Project Management Area Inception Phase
Scope Management 2
Time Management 3
Cost Management 4
Quality Management 4
Human Resource Management 3
Communications Management 3
Risk Management 1
Procurement Management 2
Integration Management 2

Qn2. Please highlight the major areas of strength in the management of this phase of the project.

Cost management is one of the main areas of strengths in this phase. The project has very good cost considerations. For instance, there was a clear plan for the project financing. That is, from private sources. Government was consequently prohibited from controlling prices. This clearly reveals that the project has a good cost management. In addition, Eurotunnel had secured a concession agreement which covered a period of 55 years.

Another are of strength for the Chunnel Project is the quality management. The project had a very successful quality management plan.

Correct estimates are made for the project. However, poor scope management is affecting the estimation of the project costs at this phase. This area is also one of the strengths of the project at this phase.

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Qn3. Please highlight the major opportunities for improvement in the management of this phase of the project.

Time management is one of the main opportunities where the project needs improvement in the inception phase. The project management is not giving enough time for different activities. For instance, inaccurate estimates were made for the project because enough time was not provide for completion of a detailed designed studies which could have identified the need for tunnel air conditioning. Therefore poor management in this phase has led to omission of some important elements of the project. Therefore, time management forms a major area for the improvement.

The Intergovernmental Commission (IGC) created another a different design for approving designs. This created conflictions because the design differed from the one which was considered in the original concession agreement. This reveals the shortcomings in the scope management in this phase. This implies that there is an opportunity for improvement in this area.

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Scope management is closely related to the costs and the time management. Therefore, there is a big opportunity of improving these areas if the scope is improved.

b. The Development Phase

Qn.1 Please complete your evaluation of project management during this phase.

Project Management Area Development Phase
Scope Management 1
Time Management 3
Cost Management 2
Quality Management 3
Human Resource Management 4
Communications Management 2
Risk Management 1
Procurement Management 3
Integration Management poor

Qn2. Please highlight the major areas of strength in the management of this phase of the project.

One of the main areas of strength in this phase is the schedule planning. The activities took the estimated duration of time. Although the project finished one year late, it was due to the factors which could not be attributed to this phase. The human resource management was therefore very good at this phase.

Another area of strength of the project at this phase is the quality management. A high technologically advanced equipment was used which allowed a small margin for error. This increases the quality at this phase.

This phase was also characterized by a strong teamwork framework. There was an encouragement for teamwork which was not common at the other phases of the project.

Qn3. Please highlight the major opportunities for improvement in the management of this phase of the project.

Some of the main areas where the opportunities for the improvement of the project in this phase lies are scope management. The project continues to lose a lot of money due to introduction of unplanned elements in the project. The project can increase its performance if it can manage to improve on its scope management.

Another area for improvement is the risk management on the technical side of the project. Poor risk management had cost the project a lot of money at this phase.

At this phase of the project, there was an effort of teamwork encouragement. This was a great achievement which would be reflected in the following phases.

c. The Implementation Phase

Project Management Area Development Phase
Scope Management 2
Time Management 3
Cost Management 1
Quality Management 3
Human Resource Management 4
Communications Management 3
Risk Management 3
Procurement Management 2
Integration Management 2

Qn2. Please highlight the major areas of strength in the management of this phase of the project

  • Time management
  • Risk management

Qn3. Please highlight the major opportunities for improvement in the management of this phase of the project.

One of the major opportunities includes;

Original consortium which consisted of construction companies and bankers whose primary objective was to make money on construction and not the operation. There is an opportunity for the project to structure the consortium in such way that the construction would be done at cost with the profits coming at the end of the project (Anbari, n.d, P.13).

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c. The Closeout Phase

Project Management Area Development Phase
Scope Management 2
Time Management 3
Cost Management 3
Quality Management 5
Human Resource Management 3
Communications Management 1
Risk Management 3
Procurement Management 2
Integration Management 2

Qn2. Please highlight the major areas of strength in the management of this phase of the project.

  • Quality management.
  • Human resource management.

Qn3. Please highlight the major opportunities for improvement in the management of this phase of the project.

  • Efforts by the arbitration bodies like the International Chamber of Commerce in bringing the competing sides to bargaining table to solve their differences (Anbari, n.d, p.15).
  • Quality management. The workplace accident rates were very rare since it was below the industry rate (Anbari, n.d, p.15).


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