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Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Activities

Disasters often occur when we least expect them to happen. They are unplanned for, thus making it difficult to respond whenever they occur. Whenever disasters occur, a lot of attention and resources is diverted towards these occurrences (Coppola, 2011). Several ways are used whenever a disaster occurs. For instance, some methods will prevent the event from happening while others tend to reduce the impact of the disaster (Diane Meyers, 2006). Some of these methods include mitigation, preparedness, response prevention and recovery.

Problem statement

The success of disaster management program depends on the methods that have been utilized. This is because disaster affects differently the lives of people. For example, prevention of disaster by avoiding committing things that will possibly lead to its occurrence is best (Krishna A.R., 2006). This is because it does not affect the lives of people negatively. This begs the question, what is the suitable method of disaster management? This research seeks to analyze the suitability of the different methods used in disaster management. In understanding these disaster management techniques, Homeland Security and Emergency Management will have an upper hand in deciding the suitable method at prevailing circumstance. This will help improve the efficiency of its operation in management of catastrophes.

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Research question

To find out whether homeland security department is well prepared for disasters and whether they have the necessary equipments and personnel to handle disasters.  

This research is important because it will help us know whether Homeland Security Department is adequately prepared and equipped with proper equipments to deal with disasters. Additionally, it will help us know whether they have qualified personnel who are morally upright to handle disasters (Matthews & Feather, 2003).  In addition, we aim to find out whether the department of Homeland Security has well coordinated departments to handle disasters from the moment they are reported to the point of rescue. In other words, the research aims to found out whether there is proper communication and coordination within the different departments of homeland security.

This hypothesis relates to the research question since it helps in building and creating the confidence that the people need. Countering problems needs enough resources as a backup strategy to give support to the affected people. As a means of handling security matters, it has appositive approach that bridges the gap between the security department and the bona fide. An act of rejuvenating the expectations of the affected people is vital to bring hope in life. The recovery process entails transformation of life from old one to new one. As a wise strategy, homeland security needs to be in a position, to reflect the humanity in them to reality, which will see many have hopes after the disasters. This hypothesis confirms that Homeland Security is well equipped with the necessary equipments to deal with disasters. In addition, it confirms that the department has well trained personnel who can deal with disasters adequately. Another hypothesis that comes up from the research is that the department of Homeland Security has a good communication system that is working effectively.

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Research proves that it is important to respond to emergencies as soon as possible. This will help prevent damages and loss of property and life. The speed in which the security firm responds to an emergency mostly depends on the effectiveness of the communication system within the security and how prepared the people are (Matthews & Feather, 2003). Therefore, availability of resources in such a situation will go along way in reducing the level of damages and loss of life. This distinguishes the degree of suitability of different methods (Sundar & T.Sezhiyan, 2007). It is therefore advisable to prevent disasters, although controlling all of them is a major problem. This makes the recovery process to carry a pertinent role in dealing with unknown occurrence. The weight that is carried by recovery activities plays a significant role in perceived suitability as one of the methods of disaster management (Penuel, Statler, & Golson, 2010).The Homeland security should improve on its communication from the time a disaster is reported until the disaster is put under control. This will make its functioning more effective and efficient as emergencies will be addressed with immediate effect. 


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