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Operation management:  family transport company


The Family transport company is a renowned transport corporation that was established in the year 1999 as transport service provider aimed at serving the Egyptian community. Since then, it has expanded its market coverage, and presently it’s recognized as one of main companies serving an array of companies and organizations, that not only help it to expand its business operations, but they have also been of mutual benefits as business partners with numerous business organizations of different business scales. The company’s business objectivity on its operations is to improve the lives of the Egyptian community and other potentials customers from all corners of the globe. It therefore endeavors to develop international standards that would make the company the most competitive in the region (Jacobs, 2005).

The family transport company operation management revolves around the handling of a range of services. They are much diversified in the service provision as provide both passenger services as well as logistics on various goods or products to the society. Though its has been a decade on its operations, the company growth rates and development has been amazing and this has evidenced on the return on profits as compared with other companies that have been in market for several decades.


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The company has a unique approach to the logistics services. This is attributed to the management team which is well equipped in the knowledge of operations and which is customer friendly as well as oriented. The Family Company’s operation manager showed a lot of interest in providing the American university in Cairo with such avid services. He showed a lot of interest of having the university being partners. There were several evidences that he based his argument which included the ability of the company to provide a wide services comprising of logistics on foods stuff needed in the university. He did not hesitate to support this with crucial discloses. First and foremost, there was a lot of support through the fact that the company holds a numbers of modern trucks that it uses in the logistic worked (Jacobs, 2005).

Further, the manager demonstrated the company’s customer friendliness in providing specials trucks according to the needs of the customers. As he elucidated on the manner of customers satisfaction, I was fast to learn that the company had the potentials of providing logistics services of fluid used in the university’s laboratories. Additionally, the company has medium sized trucks which are used in the transport of light commodities that consume little fuel meaning that they are economically sound not to the university but the entire nation. He went further on explaining the company’s operational excellence where he pointed out that the various truck and passenger vehicle carrying capacities that ranges from 4 passengers to a maximum of 54 people makes the company’s pillars on customer attraction. Contemplating on the same idea, I found myself mentioning of the difficulties the American students are facing in the newly founded campus where students skips there lesson due inadequate travel means. Being very optimistic of expanding the service provision to the university, he calmly said that they have been able to entangled fifty companies from similar difficulties among which are Total, Xceed, El Babteen Group just to mention but a few of their partners (Wilson, 2001).

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At one point, the manager was thrilled to reveal that they were aware of the different human tastes and preferences. He therefore mentioned that despise considering the durability of their vehicles as they purchase, they also make sure that quality is maintained for the different classes of persons in the society. He therefore said they always possess an assortment of vehicle brands which include Mercedes, Toyota, Chryslers and Mitsubishi to satisfy customers’ tastes and comforts. This reflected on the university’s community diversity which is evidenced through its ability to attract students from different geographical, cultural, and economically backgrounds. He added that they one of the most important factor in their operation that makes the customers long for their services is trust and honest of their employees whom he appraised them of their punctually and intelligence. He said that company’s recruitment policy has always enabled them to screen and employ only qualified drivers with reputable behaviors including maintenance of good customer relationship and taking care of the passengers through observation of traffic regulations (Wilson, 2001). .

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On the question of positioning the company with its competitors, the manager disclosed that they are a numbers of strategies which are being employed. The first approach was to ensure that greater efficiencies on the operations are achieved. The company thus focuses on increasing the numbers backhaul passenger and logistics trucks so as to ensure guarantee services. This would mitigate travel interruptions as results of breakdown of the vehicles.



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