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Information Systems Management Problem

 Service Oriented Architecture

Service oriented architecture is fundamental in the information systems management domain by virtue of the interconnected nature of service provision. Hence, the actualization of a properly functioning information services provision, this will entail implementing design mechanisms which integrate various service components suiting a particular business domain. The modern day business environment operates in such a manner that critical service components are essentially not centralized. Hence, through implementation of a service oriented architecture, decentralization of various information service components can be achieved effortlessly. Consider, a company offering different service levels to various clientele groups. In this case, it would be necessary to incorporate service oriented architecture for its information system so that the fundamentals of management can function optimally.

Data warehousing

The essence of an information management system is to fundamentally allow employees working in different sections of a business entity to process timely reports in order to effect proper decision making. Setting up a data warehouse achieves this by locating data at a central point. In the modern business environment, real time information processing is necessary to drive business deliverables. Hence, through data warehousing employees can prepare periodic reports and analyze effortlessly. The best case example is Owens and Minor in which it set up a data warehousing mechanism for handling bar codes for products through which its employees could order for more products using its Business Objects Tool, a factor which made replenishing of finished products easy since all information was in a central locality, while employees could create reports easily by analyzing data from respective warehouses (McNurlin, Sprague, & Bui, 2009).  

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Content Management

A properly running information management system entails securing access to required content in a reliable medium. In the recent past there has been a consistent move towards provision of data in digital form, consequently necessitating content management. In this sense, the functions of assembling, management, and production of digital information can be achieved significantly. Consider a scenario in which a company transforms its data using a digital platform. In such a case, without proper content management of the data, the functions of data access, processing, and analysis would be unachievable. For examples, the implementation of content management software in Eastman Chemicals enabled it to improve its operations by enabling digital asset management, information rights management, and flexibility of digital content types (McNurlin, Sprague, & Bui, 2009).

The essence of distributed computing fundamentally aims at actualizing the achievement of significant freedom at both organizational and individual level when it comes to attaining control of processes involved in work. In essence an organization will be able to compartmentalize its operations, set up independent entities, establish significant privacy levels, and foster security levels for data (McNurlin, Sprague, & Bui, 2009). Through this mode, an organization will in a better position to become completely autonomous by virtue of decreased on other support functions which are ordinarily achieved through outsourcing to support its critical functions of distribution.

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Information technology architecture is an essential component of the modern day business environment, which critically entails production of specific deliverables through electronic commerce. In essence the IT architecture enables the creation of consistent and common data definitions, creation of mobile commerce standards, implementation of e-commerce privacy and security measures, and prediction of operational platforms, for instance, SCM or ERP (McNurlin, Sprague, & Bui, 2009). These fundamentals are essential in the actualization of critical planning perspectives seen in modern e-commerce environment.

In the contemporary business enterprise world, wireless telecommunication technology has established itself as a basic tool in achieving business goals and objectives. First, through wireless technology it will be increasingly possible to support business applications by constructing external knowledge sources in the form of processes and data in what is known as global intelligence. According to McNurlin, Sprague and Bui (2009), “The global intelligence will be compartmentalized, with many independent components, separated from each other by business ownerships, privacy, and security-related interests” (p.196). In this case, the enterprise is in a position to achieve significant milestone through reliance on other data sources. For example, in 2000, FMC split operations thus necessitating the establishment of two separate IT architecture (McNurlin, Sprague & Bui, 2009). The fact that FMC relied upon outsourcing for it data networking, voicemail function, and telecommunications it was in a better position to setup distinctively separate systems by establishing an IT architecture, which was actualized by adding significant business view points through setting up sub teams to generate its data (McNurlin, Sprague & Bui, 2009).

Secondly, the setting up of wireless technology enables the achievement of transboundary operations especially for enterprises operating on multiple geographical localities. This has been fundamentally enabled through setting up of High Altitude Platform Stations or HAPS. McNurlin, Sprague, and Bui (2009) note that, “HAPS has a number of advantages: flexibility of network planning and construction, wide bandwidth, wide coverage, ease of maintenance and operation, no need to deal with national and international regulatory issues” (p.216). There are companies which are already enjoying wireless operation by virtue of their trans-boundary operations. For instance, BMW manufacturers its vehicles through firms set up in Germany and United states. Initially, BMW relied upon hardwired data terminals located in strategic positions of the plants, which made transboundary operations difficult; however, by upgrading to wireless connection it was able to record significant improvement in achieving a communication milestone.

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Thirdly, the setting up of wireless technology enables the achievement of enterprise resource planning. These will be effectively enabled through setting up of general database structures, roles, user names, and privileges for access (McNurlin, Sprague & Bui, 2009). In essence, this will empower the enterprise’s capability to achieve open source enterprise resource planning with an aim of reaching out to a large number of clientele groups through readymade options. For example, a company like Coca-Cola by virtue of its global operation capacity, its can enhance its operations through reliance on enterprise resource planning system, which will fundamentally enable it manage corporate clients simultaneously by utilizing the readymade options available in the concerned geographical entities.


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