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Leadership and Community

In your organisation, and for the change in question, what percentage of the population needs to adopt it for it to take effect?

The investment team is composed of 12 members. The change required must be adopted by at least 5 managers, so that the desired gains can be witnessed. This is about 41.6 %.

Does it make sense to work with all categories equally, or should you focus your efforts on the most supportive or potentially supportive?

It is not advisable to work with all categories equally, since each category of employees has a different level of motivation and influence in the process. It would be prudent to work with the most motivated and more enthusiastic categories of employees initially. This is in addition to those who will be most affected by the change and the most supportive. As the results of the change process become imminent, others will be pulled in and accommodate the process.

If you were to consider other related interventions in the domain of the prospective change, would people fall into and out of the categories? Would the percentages shift?

There is great likelihood that the percentages would shift based on various interventions during the process of change. It would be vital for the team leading the change to get valid details of what the company is losing for not adopting change. This may involve getting comparative data from organizations that practice the proposed change models, so that what the company is losing can be quantified. It would also be strategic to give insights into the areas that have been served by the old policies, which should be done away with in order to accommodate change. This involves quantifying the losses that are being incurred and also potential losses in the future due to failure by the company to change. The resources available must be gauged for adequacy in carrying out the change.

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Involvement is also crucial, so that all the employees can envisage the benefits that will accrue from the change process. It means that all stakeholders must be involved in the creation of new policies that characterize the change process. Employees should be accorded learning opportunities, so that they can adapt to the change quickly. It allows them to learn and understand any new applications, new administrative procedures and structures that are required for the seamless absorption of the change process. This prepares employees psychologically for the new ways of performing their duties (Raelin, 2010).

After the new policies that characterize change have been adopted, they must be institutionalized. This means that data that compares organizational performance both before and after the change process has been implemented should be collected. This can also be done through reviewing the achievement of short term goals that are set by the team. It is also fundamental to review whether the earlier compensation and reward systems of the organization are in tandem with the new policies. This ensures that the motivation and enthusiasm of the employees are maintained at higher levels.

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As you consider the landmines of change (Fieldbook, p. 97) illuminated in the case for the Discussion, which landmines have popped up in your work-based problem and how do you plan to overcome them?

One of the main landmines in my work-based problem is the status quo. The managers view the lack of delegation in the organization as an assurance for their job security. They fear that delegation may take away most of their duties and this may threaten the positions they hold in the company. This problem will be solved by demonstrating to the managers the benefits that delegation will bring to the company. Various case studies will be presented to demonstrate similar companies in the industry that are market leaders due to reaping the benefits of delegation. Such cases will involve companies that have come into the market after ours.

Another landmine is low readiness for change in our organization. Most managers who are supposed to be at the forefront in advocating for changes appear to be less interested. They should be pushing the directors for approval of budgets that accommodate proposed changes, and this is not the case. This problem will be addressed through increased sensitization of the management on significant losses the company is experiencing due to failure of delegation.

Explain how Schein (1999)’s ‘process consultation as change strategy’ could align with your approach as a leaderful change agent in addressing and engaging in dialogue about your work-based problem.

Process consultation aligns with my change approach, since I will provide information to the consultant on the nature and structure of the organization that bars the successful implementation of delegation. This information will make consultant give the advice on the techniques and practices that should be adopted to address the problem. Client will give an unbiased opinion on the problem with learning-based solutions that will make the management give the problem priority. This is because the interventions provided will be in line with the organizational needs and aspirations as articulated in the mission and vision (Schein 1999).


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