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Organizations that fail to embrace delegation in the workplace risk the survival of their entity in a great way. This is because delegation plays a crucial role in nurturing and harnessing organizational leadership. Delegation promotes the development of skills and expertise amongst all employees at the workplace which positively impacts on growth of the organization. It also contributes to increased efficiency and motivation among the workforce. Every employee has an opportunity to exercise his freedom of thought in finding new ways of handling tasks and responsibilities since there is a sense of responsibility and ownership that is bestowed through delegation. Failure by senior managers to delegate their responsibility reduces the motivation of employees.
In our company, the senior managers operate with little regard to other employees especially when it comes to making decisions that affect everyone. There is no form of involvement at all and junior workers simply wait for instructions from top managers. This creates a lot of anxiety among the employees since they cannot contemplate what the senior managers will decide on in regard to basic and daily operational issues. This scenario makes employees unproductive since they cannot make independent decisions before informing and seeking approval of the senior management. This slows down the efficiency and usually leads to wastage of time and resources due to a bureaucratic and complicated hierarchy where simple decisions take a lot of time before being made.
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Lack of delegation is an indication of hoe the managers in our company have failed to demonstrate and nurture leadership. It is a reflection of failure by mangers to fully utilize their ability to organize and adequately manage the human resource at their disposal. Managers who have little regard to delegation often prefer micromanaging their employees. This is due to the low levels of trust that exist between the managers and their subordinates. There are also low levels of communication (Argyris, 1994), and consultation between managers and their juniors. Poor communication leads to wrong perceptions by employees on project tasks and is a recipe for failure. Some of these managers view delegation as a risk to their jobs. They fear the capabilities of some of the employees in particular areas and view it as a risk since there are possibilities of being outshined by some of their juniors. The managers fail to embrace concurrency in their leadership roles. They fail to understand that in an organization there should be many leaders since all the roles cannot be executed by a single office. This can only be possible if the managers can have sufficient confidence in their subordinates and stop seeing them as competitors but as collaborators (Isaacs 1993). When managers embrace a collaborative leadership they will stop fearing consequences of failure which can also be a barrier to delegation. They will be in constant touch with their teams where any problems that may derail achievement of results are solved on time.
Analysis and proposing solutions
It would be prudent for the managers of the company to know that decisions can be made by anybody who has a position of responsibility and not necessarily those in authority. This is because most of the followers have deep and unreserved knowledge of the daily tasks they perform. They are in constant interaction with reality and are best positioned to make decisions on their daily tasks. Delegation of authority to various teams ensures that leadership for those teams emanate from the collective actions of those teams as they work together towards a common purpose. These attributes ensure that there is collective leadership in the organization and everyone has a sense of responsibility and ownership of ideas that propel the company forward.
The managers of the company must also be concurrent (Raelin 2010). They must share their responsibilities with their subordinates. It ensures the capabilities and talents of individuals are realized in a more proactive manner. The sharing of power should be increased and ensure that people work in close proximity. This encourages sharing of ideas and information which eventually contributes to rise of innovative trends in solving pervasive problems that may face the organization. It also brings a sense of continuity in the company as nobody can claim to own the ideas and policies that characterize the daily operations of the company.
The concepts learnt in this module will give insights into how the problem of lack of delegation should be solved in the organization. I will have the ability to develop authenticity of sensitizing the management on the risks that the company is facing through lack of delegation. Such risks include the failure by employees to perform to their level best due to lack of morale and enthusiasm. This often leads to low productivity which has a negative impact on the overall performance of the organization. As I present the various risks that the company is exposed to, the learnt concepts will allow me to overcome any forms of resistance by the management to accommodate delegation. I will be able to figure out the form of resistance in the managers and then adopt a neutral language (Ford, J. and Ford, L. 2010) which does not appear to incriminate anybody.
The senior managers in our company must embrace and view leadership as a communal relationship among people. Leadership must be viewed as a body of conjoined ideas that are shared with others (followers) and cannot be equated with any form of dyadic relationship. a leader must therefore consult with other leaders in the organization. These leaders are many since every employee has his own ideas and capabilities which make him a leader in his own right. It is therefore imperative for increased levels of consultation and information sharing so that the organization can benefit from the wide range of talents and capabilities of its employees.
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