Table of Contents
Xerox is an American corporation that deals in goods such as printers, photocopiers, fax machines and office papers. The success of most corporations largely depends on their ability to fit well in the market place. It is in this respect that proper research be carried out to get to the real issues affecting the corporation. This calls for a SWOT analysis that shifts attention on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats surrounding the corporation. These must be carefully evaluated both from an operating and external environment point of view. As part of this move is the desire by the company administrators and various stakeholders to evaluate the industry in a whole. This goes ahead to achieve a number of objectives that as such will see the company grow to great heights. These include:
The analysis enables comparison to be done. This is very important since the company is able to evaluate how the industry in general appears like. The management of Xerox will be able to know how well it is performing by doing this comparison. Comparison is also important since it puts the management on its toes. This means that the management will usually tend to work harder to beat the average records of the industry. They get to understand d that by failing to meet the standards in the industry, they are failing all the stakeholders in the industry and as well compromising on the vision to remain the leading suppliers guided by best practices. Comparison also puts employees on the spotlight. This is because each and every employee wants to be associated with a company that is performing. Each of them works towards the interests of the company without being sly and egoistic. This finally achieves the effect of seeing the corporation soar far and wide to greater heights. All other stakeholders are not left out neither.
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Comparison with the industry is important information for various stakeholders. These include financiers who want to understand how the company is performing exactly as compared to industry ratios. This is a basis for their decision making process on the amount of money they can advance as part of credit. It is very important that this information be provided to financers because if the company is not able to meet the average industry performance, it means it cannot meet its obligations to pay credit advanced in time. The financers cannot go any lower than advancing finance without getting the industry analysis in which the corporation is operating.
It is very important that industry analysis be performed because it enables the company to identify the best and worst practices in the industry. The corporation therefore gets to have a pool of best practices from which it can borrow. These practices have been tried before and as such can be used to qualify the company to its future aspirations and achievements. It is important that the process be carried out freely and fairly with the best interest of the company at heart. The identification of worst practices in the market enables the corporation to shun away from them. These are like Trojan horses that will only leave the corporation in a rather dilapidate state that not a single person would wish to admire. This includes making of numerous loses in the process.
Industry analysis is a basis for action and as such, improvement. The industry ratios depict the average performance of individual corporations in the industry. These can be used as a basis of benchmark. This means the company should always target being at least on the line of industrial performance if not better placed for greater things.
Literature Review
I set out to research on some of the best industry practices and the worst practices. These came out very clearly as a basis for improvement of corporations doing similar business. Such include Xerox. The findings were found through analysis of financial statements as well as journals relating to the corporations. Books were an important source as well as some interviews conducted on managers and employees.
Best Policies in the Industry
Some of the best policies in the industry include good supply controls. Proper supply controls are depicted by working relationships between suppliers and businesses that offer similar goods and services to those of Xerox. Best industry practices show proper and improved communication between suppliers of goods and the corporations. This means that the corporation can always ask for goods when they are required. Similarly, it means that the suppliers will deliver the goods on timely basis without major delays. It is important that this is considered since it similarly depicts the ability of the corporation to offer the goods demanded by customers. Industry standards demand that the suppliers be reliable people who deliver goods when they are required. Major suppliers are identified with and as such can be relied upon for quality and timely deliveries.
Customer relations, these reflect as being excellent in the industry. Businesses willing to do well and thrive as well must be ready and willing to take up this role seriously. The industry standards depict proper management of customers. They reflect the type of customers who are satisfied by goods and services provided to them. Xerox must be ready to improve its standards far and above the industry ones so that it becomes one of the leading corporations both within and outside America. Further, it is industry analysis reflects that most businesses offering similar goods and services have a public relations department. This department is charged with the responsibility of handling issues that pertain to customers. This includes whichever complaints they may want to raise and which are pertinent as it relates to demand and supply especially.
It is best industry practice too to ensure a good business image. This is sought to ensure that customers continue holding the corporations with high esteem and regard. This protects itself from competitors who are ready and willing to take some customers away. It is also important that this happens so that customers develop a loyalty towards a certain supplier. Xerox should take advantage of such practice to ensure it builds prospects, not only for its aid in the present moment but also in future.
Amongst the best practices too is communication. Industry practice shows that proper communication has been maintained in successful corporations dealing in stationary. This especially regards communication between the corporation and suppliers to focus attention on Global Supply Chain Management. Communication between these groups of individuals is extremely significant since it further affects market supply. If supply is less and demand high, the prices might get offset to higher maxima. This will not work well with the image of the company. It might appear to customers that the charges are unusually exorbitant.
Industry analysis also shows that it is best practice for successful firms to conduct employee evaluation. The sales staff is particularly important at this stage to the firm since they are the direct interaction with customers. Employee analysis is important since it enables the corporation to strategize on its human resources. Employees should work for the best interest of the firm and not just their personal motives such as finances. It is important that employees collaborate with the management of the firms in a positive manner. Wrangles should be avoided at all costs if nearby success is anything to go by.
Leadership is also on the spotlight in industry analysis. It is best industry practice for the management to work for the best interest of the firm. It should be concerned about the future prospects let alone today’s performance of the corporations. The management, as part of best practice works towards implementing practically strategies borrowed from other successful corporations in the world. The management of corporations providing similar services reflects proper guidance and support as well as financial accountability. This would see Xerox to great height if implemented.
Financial accountability is also part of industry’s best practices. This means the process of ensuring that proper records are maintained by the firms. Industry analysis shows that successful firms are cautious in spending of every coin. This sees to it that the corporation’s finances are used for the best interests such as building better rapport and grounds for achieving future prospects and prosperity consequently. Funds should be put into best usage since this is what the corporations are after anyway.
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After sales is part of best practice. These services are offered to customers after goods have been sold to them. These activities include installation of the goods such as printers. This is a strategic way to boost the image of the business and spread utmost good faith to customers. They certainly would wish to come back and order more goods in the future in the hope that they will get the after sale se vice advantage. Xerox should too uphold the practice. It will certainly take the company places.
As part of best practice also is research that is conducted by most firms. This includes research on customers and growth factor. This information is important to the firm since it enables it to fit best in the market. Research also analyzes the market of the firm. The company must be able to research on ways of improving the market so that it improves substantially in the short and long run. Research further enables the company to take charge of proceeds that pertain to finance. This is because the best practices in the world, identified through research will be identified.
Worst Practices
Some of the worst practices in the industry include poor pricing techniques. This is where traders want to charge extremely high prices for the goods that are on offer. This makes the customer to start feeling oppressed. Some traders also charge prices that are too low to cater for the costs of supply. This may create a deficit such that the firms start making loses. Such a development works to the cons of the firm and only makes it to lose face in front of its customers.
Another bad practice is poor customer relations among certain firms. These are firms that do not have a reliable public relations department. Due to this, customers are not well handled and as such, may not be reliable in future. It is bad practice too if this happens within Xerox and as such, the company must take responsibility of its ability to deal with customers in a most excellent and professional manner.
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Slow supplies which are inconsistent are also part of poor practice. This is because they always result into poor corporate image. Certain firms in the industry are notorious for delivering products late and as such, this affects the performance of the firm. Xerox has to fight this if long term success is anything to go by. Slow suppliers also affect the process. Certain firms receive the goods late and such transfer the same effect to customers. This as well tends to compromise on customer loyalty. The firms are no longer trustworthy and this compels the customers to seek for alternative reliance elsewhere.
Analysis Using Supply Chain Management Concepts
Industry analysis further reflects that the supply chain should and must be planned. Xerox, which is a going concern entity, is definitely concerned about its customers. In regard to this, it is important that the supply chain be prepared and planned. It is important that important players be identified. These include wholesalers and retailers. This will further determine in advance the length of the supply chain.
The execution of the supply chain should come soon after planning is done. This is in line with ensuring consistent supply to customers. The wholesalers must be identified. This regards their number and mode of distribution. It further puts into consideration the role these people will play in the market. Such roles include storage. Execution of the supply chain must not take long and as part of this, it is important to identify key and serious players. The rest should not be allowed to ruin supply with their truancy and egoistic intentions.
Control of the supply chain is yet another very important exercise. It is important that the corporation seizes control of the supply chain. This means that the corporation is in a better position to accept players and expel some out of the chain. The ones expelled are those who do not meet minimum ethical standards and who could as well compromise the performance of the corporation altogether. If a firm fails to have control of its supply chain, it may as well fail terribly in delivery of goods and services. This would have adverse effects on Xerox Corporation.
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The supply chain must also be monitored closely. This refers to the supervision of happenings in the chain and how goods exchange hands. This ensures that goods are only delivered to the right persons who will not lead the corporation into bad debts. It also ensures that there is fair play and as such ensure that customers are not exploited through pricing. Middlemen are notorious for price escalation so as to maximize on profits and as such, monitoring of the supply chain falls in place as very crucial and significant.
The process must create a net value. This means that the advantages should way outweigh the disadvantages. This particularly refers to cost and valuation concepts. It is very important that the cost of goods be enough to take care of the supply process. The corporation must not suffer losses in the process of trading the goods with customers. The supply chain is a rigorous one and which requires finances. Costs must be put on the minimum to create a net effect.
It is important also that competitive infrastructure be created. This refers to the technological advancements. These affect network infrastructure that affects communication between Xerox and other stake holders. It is important that computers be added to facilitate communication and make work easier in the firm. Use of obsolete and outdated technology makes issues difficult for the firm and as such, it might not be in a position to achieve its objectives.
Worldwide logistics must be leveraged against. This helps the corporation to identify it among other competitors globally. The firm is able at this stage to analyze the logistics followed by other corporations who offer similar goods and services. In fact this is just one sure way of remaining afloat. The firm will inevitably do well as a result. These logistics offer a bench marking platform for the corporation to attain better goals in future.
It is important that demand is synchronized with supply. This means that the constant demand for printers, office papers and others goods that Xerox offers must be met through consistent supply. Failure to do this will create a deficit in the market that might just be the basis of increased prices for the goods. This will be very unfair to the customer especially at this stage when his major intention is to get a supply of what he wants. It could compromise on the image of the corporation altogether.
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Measuring of global performance should follow suit. It is important that the business analyzes global performance in terms of other leading competitors. This will not only help it to position itself and understand where it lies exactly but will also enable it to strategize on buying the best practices. Consequently and Xerox will go far in the market.
As part of Global Supply Chain Management, the corporations must have to lower costs and add value to remain consistent. This means that the supply chain chosen must not exploit on customers in any way. It should instead focus attention on providing goods and services that meet the expectations of customers. Customers should feel that the amount they actually paid for is enough to cater for the value of goods now. Anything contrary to this will be an undercharge or an overcharge. The effects are detrimental either way.
It is important that sourcing be done in a professional manner. This means that the source of goods for the corporation be reliable in terms of supply. The source must also be consistent such that stock outs will not be faced in the near future. The process of sourcing must also be done with high standards of accountability. This is because this stage is quite vulnerable to fraud cases. Management or employees may take advantage to defraud from the company and as such, caution must be exercised.
Procurement should be done in a manner most professional too. It must be consistent with standards of the corporation as well as international standards on procurement. Procurement not only relates to sourcing but also to any other payments being done for goods provided. It is important that procurement be done in a manner most open. This prevents cases of procuring faulty commodities that will not discharge responsibilities in the most efficient manner possible. It is very important that that the procurement committee be composed of professionals who are skilled and experienced in the field. Accountability should also be part of the objectives of this department.
The process of conversion in this case does not apply since Xerox is not a manufacturing entity. This however may take the form of transporting goods from the suppliers to Xerox. The mode of transport must be most convenient. It must ensure that deliveries are prompt and timely.
It is important that the company exercises increased efficiency. This relates to harmonization between various departments. It is important that the corporation considers efficiency as part of it. This is because it dictates the verdict of the company. Efficiency also regards the way all activities are carried out. There must be complete utilization of resources at the corporation’s disposal to achieve reasonable success. Anything short of this would amount to inefficiency which is extremely worrying.
All bottlenecks should be eliminated at this stage. This is especially relevant for the operating environment of the business. The corporation can influence these factors in one way or another. Bottlenecks are such factors as delays in supplies, poor customer relations, poor infrastructure, and lack of proper communication with various stakeholders etcetera. Bottlenecks are factors that would affect the global supply chain strategies negatively. They further directly work against the corporation’s vision and mission.
Short Term Recommendations
It is highly recommended that Xerox turns attention to more trustful suppliers. Suppliers who tend to be late in making deliveries should be revoked since these are an enemy to success. They will certainly compromise on business image if the commodities they are supposed to supply fail to find their way early enough into the market. Xerox should take responsibility of the suppliers it relies n and ensure it is a team of individuals, most qualified and in a position to ensure consistent supplies. This will enhance dependability way into the future and the company will surely succeed.
It is also recommended that Xerox engages in intensive marketing campaigns as well as other informative techniques. This seeks to reach out to customers meaning they new customers will now start buying products from Xerox. It will also dispel off any fears that customers had on the image of the business especially as regards the image of the business. Xerox will be better adapted than their competitors through this initiative. Increased sales will surely result as a result.
Research into infrastructure should be upheld. This means the company (Xerox) should be serious in investing in ready infrastructure. Such includes computers for improved communication. (Davitkor, 1994)This is indeed achievable in the short run and will see the company to very great heights. It is also important to carry out research into such things as the market analysis. This will see to it that the company adopts some of the best practices in the world to improve its market.
Employees must be motivated to work harder. This may be done through provision with incentives. These act as inducements to hard work and commitment. This makes the firms to commit to long term goals and objectives and in the process, they are able to achieve great success. Employees are an important asset to the company and as such have to be well taken care of to ensure that the process of success does not lose meaning.
Price control methods are important. Xerox must ensure that middlemen do not exploit customers. These refer to wholesalers and retailers. They must be a reliable lot of people who are not only interested in the money aspect but are also concerned with pricing. It is therefore prudent for Xerox to analyze all its agents and to monitor all activities so that it does not lose out. High prices might just be one of the surest ways to chase away customers.
It is important that sourcing be done in a professional manner. This means that the source of goods for the corporation be reliable in terms of supply. The source must also be consistent such that stock outs will not be faced in the near future. The process of sourcing must also be done with high standards of accountability. This is because this stage is quite vulnerable to fraud cases. Management or employees may take advantage to defraud from the company and as such, caution must be exercised.
Procurement should be done in a manner most professional too. It must be consistent with standards of the corporation as well as international standards on procurement. Procurement not only relates to sourcing but also to any other payments being done for goods provided. It is important that procurement be done in a manner most open. This prevents cases of procuring faulty commodities that will not discharge responsibilities in the most efficient manner possible. It is very important that that the procurement committee be composed of professionals who are skilled and experienced in the field. Accountability should also be part of the objectives of this department.
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The process of conversion in this case does not apply since Xerox is not a manufacturing entity. This however may take the form of transporting goods from the suppliers to Xerox. The mode of transport must be most convenient. It must ensure that deliveries are prompt and timely.
It is important that the company exercises increased efficiency. This relates to harmonization between various departments. It is important that the corporation considers efficiency as part of it. This is because it dictates the verdict of the company. Efficiency also regards the way all activities are carried out. (Davitkor, 1994)There must be complete utilization of resources at the corporation’s disposal to achieve reasonable success. Anything short of this would amount to inefficiency which is extremely worrying.
All bottlenecks should also be eliminated. This is especially relevant for the operating environment of the business. The corporation can influence these factors in one way or another. Bottlenecks are such factors as delays in supplies, poor customer relations, poor infrastructure, and lack of proper communication with various stakeholders etcetera. Bottlenecks are factors that would affect the global supply chain strategies negatively. They further directly work against the corporation’s vision and mission.
The company should try to encourage shorter chains of supply. This is usually for having better control of its supply chains. Very long chains are extremely rigorous and may make the company to lose out in terms of its eligible and reliable customers due to high prices. Shorter chains also make communication more effect. This is especially significant since it is important to keep in touch with all suppliers and middlemen to have some great extent of control in the whole process.
Long Term
Building future prospects and acquiring fixed assets.This means that the company will not rely on ant items by lease or hire. The process of leasing and hiring is expensive and makes the company to lose out.>
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It is very important to build relations with financers. This makes it easier for credit to be advanced the side of the company. It does not lose out on such matters most crucial as obtaining finance to finance its future prospects such as financing its fixed assets.
The company should also acquire more vehicles. This will reduce the chains of distribution and facilitate direct sales. In turn, the company will experience greater sales. This is part of the long term initiatives by the company and it in doubt will see great improvement.
It is important that the above strategies be implemented. The company needs to focus on both physical and human factors in this initiative. The physical factors include such things as machinery, technological advancements, as well as vehicles. These factors see to it that plans are in progress. This is consistent with the going concern aspect of the firm. It is very important that the corporation also checks on its human factors. These relate to the staff needs as well as management. Each of these individuals should have specific roles that do not conflict in any way. This ensures there is clear flow of work as well as coordination without confusion. The corporation must do this to ensure there are clear guidelines on who should be answerable when there is a problem in a certain department. This is what success is all about.
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