In any working environment, there are some established rules of effective working. These rules are implemented so as to ensure that the set goals and objectives are achieved in the business. One of the main reasons why these rules exist is to guide individuals. These guidelines help the different individuals to coordinate activities among themselves in order to achieve the expected results.
Since the working environment consists of many personalities, they operate as a team. Within the team, there are established rules on how the team operates. This is extremely vital since it helps in attainment of the set goals. It also prevents random decisions. In order for the team to be successful in its undertakings, the team members must enhance communication amongst them. This ensures that each person is aware of their responsibility in the team. It also gives room for reinforcement of team-based innovations.
Within the team, tasks must be shared out in accordance with the established personal skills and abilities. This ensures that the person who is best skilled in a certain field carries out a particular task on behalf of the team, therefore making individuals feel at ease while carrying out the assigned tasks, hence enhancing effectiveness. The team must come up with a way of establishing each person's expertise. The process may be achieved through the implementation of a performance evaluation system, which would enable any organization or team to make decisions on who should carry out which activity on behalf of the team (Wheelan, 2009).
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It is also important to come up with a plan and schedule on how activities are to be carried out within the team. This ensures that there is ample time to challenge any decision that any team member might not be comfortable handling. It also ensures collaboration among the team members. All team members should be involved in coming up with the plan. This ensures that their contributions are taken into consideration. Consultations among the team members are crucial in ensuring the every person is in agreement with the duties assigned to them. This also ensures that they are comfortable while performing their duties and responsibilities. Eventually, effective working is enhanced.
In the working environment, establishment of a reward system is highly motivational. It is an integral part in a team that seeks to ensure that results are achieved. This is because the team members not only strive to achieve results as their duty, but also so as to get the reward that is associated with the achievement of certain goals. This ensures effectiveness in their work. Therefore, an organization is able to achieve effective working without coursing its employees. Eventually, this leads to both personal and organizational satisfaction. (Thomas, 2002)
The team's ground rules govern all the team members irrespective of their ranks in the team. Therefore, all team members must abide to them to ensure effective running of the activities established by the team. This implies that all the stakeholders in the team must respect the rules that have been already laid down.
In any working environment, creativity, participation and contributions of all the team members must be respected. This ensures that results attained by the team are accruable to the entire team and not to one individual. It also ensures that each person is given an opportunity to express their views and ideas. This ensures that every one of them feels part of the decisions of the team. Eventually, this is reflected in the performance of their duties and responsibilities.
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