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Case Study Analysis

In this case study, Carl Robins, the new ABC Campus recruiter is already facing multitude of challenges in her work. Having worked for less than six months in the organization, Carl has recruited 15 candidates to work in the organization under the operation supervisor, Monica Carrolls. Carl is charged with the responsibility of conducting an orientation for the new trainees, but he finds himself ill-prepared for the program. With less than 15 days to the scheduled date of the orientation, Carl has to come up with critical and most appropriate action so that everything runs smoothly and according to the schedule.In this case study, Carl is facing situations that require him to make myriad of decisions, some of which are fairy mundane whereas some have a very major impact toward the future of an organization as well as his own personal and career life. The decisions that he makes will have a particular implication on others and especially the 15 new trainees and the Operations manager. Therefore, making better decisions and right choices is crucial for Carl. His decisions and actions will require him to be consciously aware of the intricacies involved. This awareness will ensure a coherent and conscious process that leads to better decisions and actions (Bateman & Snell, 2007; Stair et al., 2006).In this case, Carl had a task of recruiting 15 new trainees to work in the ABC Inc. organization. In this task his responsibility was to hire, train and examine the candidates so that they can commence work by July. Thus he had to prepare for a hiring, and there after organize for their orientation, which had been scheduled to take place on 15th June. The employees were to work under Monica Carrolls, the operation supervisor. After 30th May, Robins realized that preparations for the new trainees' orientation were behind the schedule. While going through the files, he also found some of the application forms were incomplete; some candidates had not attached their transcripts and none of them had undertaken the obligatory drug screening test. In addition to this he only had three manuals of which two were spoilt. The worse of all was that the room that Carl was planning to use when conducting the orientation program was already booked for computer training seminars by another department. To sum up all this, Carl Robin did not have the necessary training manuals or the venue.Carl had more than two months to prepare for the task but two weeks to the scheduled time he finds himself in a dilemma as he is not well equipped to perform the task assigned to him. This means that he had less than two weeks to organize himself for the June 15th orientation. Carl's main problem is that he procrastinated for too long and completed no advance work. Carl was only less than six months old in the organization and his failures could easily be attributed to his lack of experience and organization.

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Evidently, it can be noted that Carl had not received proper training when he joined the company on his duties, responsibilities and also the criteria he was to use when performing his duties. The ABC's personnel office is to be blamed for this as Carl being a new employee, should have undergone some training on how the company conducts the hiring process so that that Carl can have the basics and the know how of how the task is conducted within the company. This implies that the company is not well equipped concerning training of their new recruits as seen in the case of Carl and the same is happening to the new recruits.The key issues that Carl Robins needs to attend to are as follows; Carl must have all the 15 files complete by 15th of May; the application forms should be dully completed with attached transcripts. Moreover, by the same date he should have secured a venue in which the training is to be conducted. In addition, he must make sure that the trainees have undergone a drug test before the scheduled date for the orientation. Finally, the orientation materials and manuals should be in place to be used for the orientation. All this has to be ready before 15th May for the orientation to take place.Having diagnosed the above-mentioned key problems, the next undertaking is to come up with several possible alternatives for solving the problem. Whatever the case may be, Carl still has two weeks, which-with proper planning and coordination- is good enough to put things in order.

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Carl has to make some important decisions, which may require more attention and devotion. It is this stage that Carl must be open to new, creative ideas as well as obvious answers. He can apply different techniques to come up with creative ideas; one such technique is brainstorming (Bateman & Snell, 2007).In generating alternatives, Carl must keep in mind the goals and the objectives that he is trying to achieve (Stair et al., 2006). Whatever the case may be, Carl must have sorted everything out by June 15th for the orientation to take place; including preparing the orientation manuals and securing the venue for the event. This is the alternative likely to be most effective and practical. Carl cannot afford to fail in his first undertaking, which may affect his in his new employment.Alternatively, Carl should talk to Carrolls-the Operations Supervisor- and make her understand the situation at hand, and the possibility of not having everything ready as he had promised. However, this alternative should only be chosen if and only if Carl cannot manage to carry out the process by whichever means and within the remaining two weeks. Otherwise, Carl should correct his mistakes and have everything ready without implicating anyone.At times, two or more alternatives or some combinations of alternatives will be equally appropriate (Bateman & Snell, 2007). Carl can also decide to do everything within his jurisdictions to see to it that the trainees are ready for the orientation by June 15th, and also inform and involve to the concerned parties; human resources department and the Operations SupervisorWhenever possible, Carl should try to investigate alternatives carefully and select the ideal solution. Once the best alternative has been identified, everything possible should be done to implement the decision (Stair et al., 2006).Short-term solutionFrom the set of alternatives discussed above, Carl must choose a course of action. The first alternative is the best solution proposed for this complex problem. However, it requires a more systematic method of approach to amicably solve the problem at hand.Within the remaining period and with proper planning and coordination, Carl can manage to prepare for the orientation. In actual fact, the implementation of this proposed solution requires proper planning, preparation and mobilization of the necessary resources and time. His first move should be to see to it that all trainees' records as regard to their applications and transcripts are complete. Second, Carl should organize for the trainees to have gone for their mandatory drug screening. At the same time, Carl should obtain complete orientation manuals ready to be used by the 15 trainees, in addition to any other materials and paperwork required during the orientation and training.After all the urgent issues have been attended to, Carl should focus on the very important task of organizing for a facility in which to conduct the training. If Carl had reserved the facility for the training, he should seek the intervention of the person in charge. If he had overlooked the issue, he should then try to locate another facility to this purpose before it is too late.Long-term solutionAs mentioned earlier in the analysis of this case, it is evident that Carl did not received proper training on how to carry out his duties and responsibilities upon joining ABC Inc. He should have been properly guided on the criteria he was to use when performing his duties. Carl, or any other new employee should undergo some training so as to learn how the company conducts its process so that the new employee can have the basics and the know how on how the tasks are conducted (Gitman & McDaniel, 2008). Therefore, the company should be prepared and well equipped concerning training of their new recruits so as to avoid a replica of the situation at hand. This will ensure that new recruits have the skills and the knowledge to perform their jobs productively (Gitman & McDaniel, 2008). The objective of such training should focus on job knowledge to be gained, performance enhancement, errors reductions, and other positive organizational results (Sims, 2001).Conclusion and Recommendation The process of decision-making does not end with selection of an alternative or making of a choice. The chosen alternative must be implemented. Carl must ensure that what was decided is actually implemented. In fact, the implementation of a decision requires proper planning, preparation and mobilization of the necessary resources and time (Fandt et al., 2007). After implementing the alternative, the final step should entail evaluating the effectiveness of the chosen alternative; including seeing to it that all trainees' records as regards to their applications and transcripts are complete; mandatory drug screening is carried out; preparation of the orientation manuals; and securing the venue for the event. Carl must observe the impact of his decision as objectively as possible. His decisions will be judged as successful if the chosen alternative effectively removes the discrepancy between the actual and the preferred state of affairs (Fandt et al., 2007).


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