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Criminal Justice Analysis

In the article “A Life-Course Perspective on Stress, Delinquency, and Young Adult Crime” from American Journal of Criminal Justice, Hoffmann describes and examines a pathway of increase and decrease of delinquency or crime across young adulthood and adolescence. The author employs General Strain Theory (GST) in determining the extent of delinquency or crime among young adulthood and adolescence. Hoffman considers the time-varying negative impacts for young adult crime and delinquency of increasing or persistent levels of strain (Hoffmann, 2010). Therefore, the purpose this research is to show the association between stressful life incidents and involvement in criminal or delinquent behavior during a young person’s life-course.

Hoffman studies the increase and decrease of criminal and delinquent behaviors in relation to stress levels among young adults and adolescents. The level of stress that people possess is a significant determinant of the risk to portraying criminal and delinquent behaviors. The findings of the research depict that people are likely to portray criminal and delinquent behaviors when they experience stressful life incidents. It is logical that stressful life happenings, such as financial problems, divorce of parents, health emergencies, and victimization experiences, can results in criminal and delinquent behaviors among young adults and adolescents. Such behaviors may include selling illegal drugs, gang fight, burglary, and many other criminal activities. This happens because most young adults and adolescents are unable to cope with the negative consequences of stressful events. GST showed that strain is persistent and cumulative in human beings. Therefore, a person who experiences stressful life happenings has a high likelihood of portraying criminal behavior (Hoffmann, 2010).


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In conclusion, GST shows that stressful occasions are likely to influence young adults and adolescents to behave delinquently. Young people lack coping skills, which individual start possessing during early adulthood as they undergo maturation. It is easier for adults than young adults and adolescents to escape stressful events in life (Hoffmann, 2010). This is because adults have a number of resources to counteract negative effects of stressful events, which they may face in their lives. The author’s conclusion, regarding the impact of experiencing stressful occasions on criminal behaviors of young adults and adolescents, is extremely sound and meaningful.



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