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The role players within the juvenile justice system

There are a lot of children and young people nowadays, who drop out of school. It is not a secret that most of them are members of gang bands. These boys and girls often visit police and take part in social activities, such as crime prevention, monitoring and pre-trial diversion. However, every system or court has its own role players, who are responsible for the particular activity.

The juvenile justice is a separate court system for children. It is completely different from the adult justice system. Offender attends a hearing but not a trial. Primary goals of the juvenile justice system are rehabilitation and treatment rather than punishment and deterrence, as with the adult criminal system (Finley L., 2007, p. 66).

A juvenile’s cases are heard usually only by a judge, however, there are many other experts, who help to decide juvenile case. They are such workers as intake officers, who communicate with all members of hearing and should provide short-term help in crisis situations. The juvenile prosecutor is the attorney responsible for bringing the state's cast against the accused juvenile. The defense attorneys take an active part in all stages of the proceedings (Siegel J.L. & Welsh C.B., 2010, p. 356).


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Many juvenile courts work together with psychologists (mental health professionals), because children’s rehabilitation, intervention and treatment remain priorities (Ackerman J.M., 2010, p. 185). Also the key players within the juvenile court system are probation officers and police. Their role is similar to officers who work with adult offenders: to intervene if the actions of a citizen produce public danger or disorder (Siegel J.L. & Welsh C.B., 2010, p. 307).

The court administrator plays an increasingly important role in juvenile courts. He/she is responsible for the fiscal management of court programs and for presenting the court’s position to other agencies and the public (Elrod P. & Ryder R.S., 2009, p. 493).

Well, as we know, every system consists from the parts, which should do teamwork. There are a lot of members in the juvenile justice system and each of them is an important role player. Sure enough, each of them is responsible for the particular activity and helps to achieve success.



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