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How to Be Successful

While in search of success in material wealth, many people opt for either unjustified or extra tedious means to make their ends meet. In this age, however, success is achievable by shorter and justifiable means than expected. By laying down systematic approaches and actions, this essay shows a planned road to success.

The basic secret for a person planning to be successful is a college or a university diploma. Identifying of the field of interest is essential in this project’s final step. The process of identifying lies in one’s interests, in life. It is, therefore, crucial that one pursues the diploma course related to one’s dream career. Upon completion of the diploma, one acquires various advantages and benefits in line with one’s field of choices. Apart from the knowledge, one acquires the opportunity to work and practice anything in relation to his career. Another advantage of a diploma course is the technical knowledge acquired. Taken For a middle level worker, diploma knowledge and responsibilities at the work place involve the technical areas that are the most important in any field. Studying up to masters’ level is unnecessary in this plan. The first disadvantage of this is the little jobs available for the masters’ level academicians. A person employed at a master’s level assumes managerial or supervisory positions that give one less opportunity of hand-on experience. A diploma employee acquires all these advantages. An example is someone taking a diploma course in engineering. The person acquires technical knowledge that involves practical troubleshooting. It is a fact that almost all hand-on technicians are diploma holders while their managers are masters’ holders.


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Upon completion of the diploma course, one searches for a job in relation to his field. The process of identifying and getting a job takes a shorter time than for those with masters’ level. This is because of the disadvantage of the numerous technical jobs offered to diploma holders in relation to few managerial jobs offered to masters’ holders. The job will help one acquire funds for personal sustainability and independence. The independence will give one a piece of mind required for the next stage of the plan that is critical and requires more analysis, critical thinking and decision making than the previous stage. It also ensures that the person gets the required experience in one’s field of interest. The experience ranges from practical involvement in processes to identification and solving of anticipated problems in such working systems. Apart from the experience, one gets connections with various related companies from which sharing of ideas takes place. These companies not only increase the depth of one’s knowledge but also increase future opportunities desired in this plan.

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Upon getting the required experience, the final step of this plan is the establishment of a personal company. Though the most challenging, the step determines the success rate of an individual. To accomplish this stage, funds, courage, and determination plays a critical role. The first step will be the identification of the company and putting all the activities that the company will perform on paper. This will include an estimate of the company size. The next step is the collection of theoretical data and estimates in the form of a business plan. This will comprise of the possible location of the company, assets required, labor, the target market and the projected performance of the company in the future years. The acquisition of the rough estimate of these data precedes the calculation of the estimated budget that will ensure the company runs for a threshold length of time set in the business plan. The final daunting task of this step is the identification of the sources of funds to facilitate the project. Though this is relative to one’s status, sources of capital include savings from the previous job and loans that have low interest rates. Accumulation of such loans from friends and relatives rather than financial institutions is highly encouraged. Upon establishment of the company, one enjoys better wages and becomes more responsible than if employed.

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In conclusion, it is unreasonable to use illegal means such as robbery and corruption while in search of success in life. Taking a tough and long course such as studying up to masters’ level is not an assurance of success. It is by deployment of such short and creative means discussed that assures success in one’s life.



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