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Mechanic System

A spare tire is carried as a replacement for a tire that acquires a complication, whether on the road or elsewhere. Many types of cars have the spare tire located in the back of   the vehicle, specifically underneath the body below the chassis. This ensures that removing the tire is done manually. Why can’t we make this process automatic? This project aims to replace the process of lowering and lifting the spare tire from manual to automated using small electronic winches and operated by a motor that   is controlled by a remote. An idea like this will help the elderly, and also those that have special needs to be able to function without assistance from others, especially in a situation where they are alone.

This project aims to create a simple mechanic system that will raise and lower the spare tire of a vehicle so that it saves on the time and effort used to remove the tire manually. The main reason for the winch is to act as an assist for those who do not have the physical ability to reach the tire. The elderly and the disabled need help when changing tires and the winch, will assist them to be able to do this without difficulties. The research can be applied by car manufactures to create an automatic inbuilt winch in their vehicles to work. The research will also assist car enthusiast add features to their vehicles that were not there before. 
What is a winch system?

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Who uses a spare tire?

How often do people use the spare tire?

What are the disadvantages of having a manual system to remove the spare tire?

Who will benefit from installation of an automatic winch system?

What are the financial implications of installing an automatic winch system?

Does the installation of the winch apply to all car models?

Has there been an attempt to create a winch before?

Will the addition of a winch affect the aesthetic value of a car? 

Data collection and analysis will incorporate past and current processes, sampling, questionnaires, interviews and experimental results. A minimum sample size of 100 motorists will be evaluated separately. The samples will factor auto shop operators, disabled individuals, the elderly, youths and adults; however, these will be further classified on gender basis to determine gender preferences in the project. The feasibility of the project depends on accurate and reliable data. Therefore, in order to obtain unbiased information, a detailed questionnaire will be used to determine the motorist’s observations, preferences and opinions towards the project.

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The questionnaire results will be analyzed while factoring published literature on industrial automation and innovation methods. This will provide a clear perspective of the project; therefore, the experimental phase of data collection will incorporate the analysis of the obtained materials. The experiment will incorporate essential materials and parts like winch, motor, gearbox, limit switches to control the load chain, hand brake, wire connections table and tire. These will be critical in determining the extent and feasibility of the project; however, consultations will be required through advisors and project supervisors. These will provide a critical evaluation of the project while making essential recommendations.

The main ethical issue that can be raised by my research is whether automating this process for the disabled and the elderly may appear as inconsiderate. The elderly are encouraged not to engage in strenuous activities since their bodies might not be able to hand the stress. The system will assist them to make their work. Though this has a negative effect, it will expose their inability to do certain things without assistance. The disabled like to think of themselves as handy capable and a device that proves the opposite might not be easily accepted in their communities. A solution to this problem will be to market the automatic winch drive system as an everyman system, that whether one is old, young able or disabled, they can use this system to assist them make their work easier. Another method is to focus on what the product does, it saves time. By focusing on the benefits of the product, we will move away from the negative effects associated with the winch drive system, and instead, focus on the benefits it might bring to our daily lives.


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