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Sliding to Global Catastrophe

This essay investigates the literature on global warming. It critically examines the environmental implications of global warming. Besides, it focuses exactly on ozone depletion as a major contributing factor to the eminent environmental threat. According to the essay, the actions being taken by various environmental stakeholders emanate from the mobilization efforts of pioneer environmentalists, such as Rachel Carson. As such, it befits to pay tribute to these brave humans even as we tackle the dangers that global warming has exposed us to. Further, the essay proposes that the whole idea, especially that surrounding the Kyoto protocol should be de-politicized so that a quick solution can be obtained.

Global warming denotes constantly rising global average temperatures of the oceans as well as the atmosphere. Indeed, environmental experts have projected that this trend could continue into the future with more severe consequences on the future generations. This conclusion stems from the fact that average surface temperatures have increased by a total of 0.8 degrees centigrade in the last 100 years. However, it is the fact that two thirds of this increase has occurred during the last three decades that continues to paint a gloomy picture about the future of the environment. Although climatic warming is unequivocal, environmental scientists agree that most of it is caused by increased levels of greenhouse gases that emanate from various human activities among them burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. These greenhouse gases destroy the ozone layer that is supposed to prevent harmful radiations from the sun reaching the environment and eventually causing warming on the world (James, 2000).


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The implications of global warming could eventually make the world inhabitable. For instance, the high temperatures would likely cause a rise in the sea levels and rapid expansion of deserts in subtropical regions. These effects would be strongest on the Arctic regions of the globe, where there would be profound retreat of permafrost, sea ice as well as glaciers. As such, the surrounding water bodies including oceans and seas would tremendously increase in their levels eventually covering former agricultural and residential lands. Such an eventuality would deal a severe blow to agricultural activities in the regions and by extension food security all over the world. Besides, global warming would cause rapid desertification of the subtropical regions making them literally inhabitable. Already, the effects are creeping in especially in the horn of Africa that recently recorded its worst dry season. Considering that no meaningful agricultural activity can take place on these deserts, the residents are often left in a desperate situation of glaring hunger and adverse climatic conditions. In fact, in most cases people just sit and wait for humanitarian assistance that may not always be forthcoming.

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The adverse climatic conditions, associated with global warming, often cause complete destruction of the existing infrastructure leaving regions largely alienated from the rest of the world. For instance, heat waves and heavy rains that follow dry seasons usually cut off all transport links in these regions. As such, businessmen are left without any means to transport their products to the market. Eventually, the prevailing environmental situation leaves people without a proper means of livelihood.

In conclusion, the world must urgently embrace ways of mitigating the danger of global warming. Indeed, the United Nations must take a leading role in this pursuit considering that individual countries have in the past brought their economic rivalries into the whole issue. Great steps could be made if the United Nations redefines the provisions of the Kyoto protocol that is currently seen to favor China against the United Nations. That is the only way the current generation would bequeath a better world to the next generations.



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