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Fire Protection Systems

After the investigation and auditing was done the fire department and the management of the companies had a task to reenact new ways of fighting such fires by correcting the range of mistakes that were found. Most importantly, during the replacement and reinstallation of sprinkler heads, re-use of sprinkler heads was prohibited. The sprinkler heads had to be of the same invent, craft, model, temperature rating and orifice. If at all an exposure of shell sprinkler heads occurred, the new sprinkler heads had to be of a similar temperature rating. First, the space between the ceiling and the solid shelves had to be expanded by reconstructing the ceiling and lowering the height of the shelves. The accountability for this undertaking should be shared by the companies’ management, fire department’s pre­vention and assessment workers. Furthermore, inspectors from the fire department company advised that the fire protection equipment should be analyzed by competent professionals. The companies should also subscribe to an insurance policy just in case of any loss of life and property. Valve positions were redesigned to be observed by a newly functional fire alarm system by use of electric posi­tion switches. Fortnightly to monthly assessments of all sprinklers were specified by a qualified staff from the fire department. Inappropriate care and handling of the sprinklers, whether during installation or reuse, could also lead to sprinklers’ non-fire associated function.

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Conclusively, many companies learned from the incident and performed evaluation of their fire equipment. Owners acquired guidance from the fire department in the execution of emergency measures which have been in use in providing regularly planned instruction for their staff. The fire department also got companies’ emergency contacts and proce­dures that are in place to account for staff in the episode of an emergency.


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