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Parent Education Programs

Screening for Developmental and Behavioral problems refers to a method applied in day-to-day life to determine the number of children with disabilities and how to help them come out of their problems. Quality screening instruments enable early developmental and mental health detection. (Baker, 1987)Pediatricians and parents have an obligation of ensuring that their children are in perfect condition. Parents should ensure that their children have regular medical checkup. This helps in early detection of any disability and thus quick action taken to curb the problem. The level of children with disabilities is increased by ignorance by parents or guardians. Poor screening method is another cause of increased child disabilities. A professional pediatrician should be up to date with the quality screening instruments to enhance accuracy and avoid unnecessary referrals that are costly. This paper aims to show the impact of parental behavior on their young children. It also covers the solutions to some of the developmental problems children undergo.


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These researchers carried out research to show the effect of parental education on the child’s development. According to the studies carried out in this journal, the parental education program, that the parent attends, is created to enhance developments of the children in many different ways. Because of this, the course being designed put in to consideration the needs of the parents. Additionally, some of the principal areas focused by the course are developing the individual in a child, to facilitate maturity, easier education reception, linguistic arena, sexuality, cognitive development, communication between the parent and the child, how to relate with his brothers and sisters, social life, motor development, disorderly behaviors, indiscipline how to cope and react during accidents, what things are to be done at home, child sickness, play, reading, food and toys.

Parent education program facilitates effective learning because it focuses on both the child and the parent. Education effectively helps a child when it incorporates the family members, parent and friends. This aids in developing a deeper understanding of the child’s both inner and outer personality. The program helps a child develop in a favorable environment he or she can identify with. Your child’s early years are the foundation for his life implementations. Childhood education is the base on which future education stands. The outcome of this research was that apart from motor skills, children in both experimental and control groups obtained similar scores on all Brigance Early Development Inventory sub tests. The test done on the motor skills initial test scores depicted a substantial disparity in favoring the experimental group (t (133) 2.788, p < .01). But it should noted that, no significant difference could be pointed out between the pre-test scores of the children in the control unit and those in the trial group for the other sub tests or the Brigance Early Development Inventory II total scores (p > .05). This shows that, children’s pre-test scores obtained from the other sub tests were independent of their group (control or experimental), but those in the motor skills sub test did not. The ANCOVA discovered that, in all groups, there was a notable an obvious disparity between the corrected after-test scores and the pre-tests of children for motor skills.



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